Who is 01709 Number?

Who is 01709 Number?

đź’ˇ 01709 is the area code for Rotherham and the surrounding area.

What area is 01704 telephone code?

01704 is the area code for Southport, Merseyside, UK. The code also covers areas such as Birkdale, Churchtown, and Formby.

What area code is 01909 in the UK?

đź’ˇ 01909 is the area code for Worksop and the surrounding area.

What telephone code is 01695?

The location for 01695 is Up Holland, UK. The 01695 area code will allow you to make calls to Up Holland from wherever in the world you are.

What area code is 01204?

01204 is the area code for Bolton, Greater Manchester, UK. The code also covers areas such as Horwich and Turton.

Is 01909 a landline number?

The Worksop 01909 Area Code (Worksop Dialling Code) The 01909 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Worksop area. The local telephone numbers within the 01909 are 6 digits long.

How do I stop Vodafone spam calls?

You can block all spam calls and messages by activating DND on your number. Just follow these simple steps: Open the Messaging app on your phone. Create a new message and type START 0….Vodafone DND

  1. Go to discover.vodafone.in/dnd.
  2. Enter your mobile number, email address and name.
  3. Select the categories you want to block.

Can Vodafone block nuisance calls?

Nuisance calls to my home phone If you’re getting unwanted calls to your Vodafone landline, we can help you set up: Anonymous caller rejection – helps stop incoming calls from withheld numbers, but not unknown or masked numbers. This gives you an idea of who’s calling, and helps you decide whether you want to answer.

Where do 01695 calls come from?

Where is the 01695 Area Code? The Skelmersdale 01695 dialling code is situated in the county of Lancashire in the North West Region of the UK.

Is the phone number 01709 357348 from Vodafone?

The number 01709 357348 belongs to Vodafone. Anyone who calls you from this number should be knowledgeable about Vodafone, and able to provide you with contact details to confirm that their call is genuine. Fraudsters can ‘spoof’ phone numbers, this means they make it look like they’re calling you from one of Vodafone numbers.

Is the number 01709464103 a spam number?

⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01709464103 that called you is a telemarketing phone spam! There are no main keywords in the report that helps us to understand the risks associated with this number or the caller’s profile.

Where is the area code 01709 in England?

Numbers beginning with the 01709 area code are for Rotherham and the surrounding area of England. We noted in this area that there were 3,032,127 searches in total and that users have, so far, left 9,179 reports

What is the STD code for Rotherham Yorkshire?

01709 is the STD code for Rotherham, Yorkshire- the caller had a rather unpleasant Southern accent. Said “Can I speak to ********, please?”- so she had my wife’s real name from somewhere. Suspicious as ever, I asked who was calling: she said she was from the “Mortgage Review Centre”.

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