What is Sybase InfoMaker?

What is Sybase InfoMaker?

InfoMaker is a powerful and easy-to-use reporting tool that lets you query databases and create sophisticated and effective custom reports of data. When optional painters are installed, it also lets you work with data in a database.

How do I connect Sybase to PowerBuilder?

PowerBuilder stores database profile parameters in the registry.

  1. Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar. or.
  2. Expand the ODB ODBC node by clicking on the plus sign, and select EAS Demo DB V125.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the Preview tab.
  5. Click the Test Connection button.
  6. Click OK to close the message box.

Does PowerBuilder still exist?

PowerBuilder 2021 offers all the great new features of PowerBuilder 2019 R3 plus supports automated cloud conversion with the revamped PowerServer 2021.

What is appeon InfoMaker?

Appeon InfoMaker is a powerful yet easy-to-use reporting and data maintenance tool that lets you work with data in the Windows environment.

What is the latest version of PowerBuilder?


Developer(s) SAP/Appeon
Stable release PowerBuilder 2019 R3 / January 22, 2021
Preview release None
Written in C++ and C#
Operating system Microsoft Windows

How does PowerBuilder connect to database?

To establish or change a database connection in PowerBuilder, use a database profile….Connecting to a database

  1. Click the Database Profile button in the PowerBar or select Tools>Database Profile from the menu bar.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the interface you are using or double-click the name.

How does PowerBuilder connect to SQL database?

In PowerBuilder, click Tools -> Database Painter. In the Objects window in the Database Painter, right-click the ODBC node and click New Profile. On the Connection tab, enter a name for the profile and select the SQL Server DSN in the Data Source menu.

What language is used in PowerBuilder?

PowerBuilder/Programming languages

Who uses PowerBuilder?

It accesses other databases using open database connectivity (ODBC). PowerBuilder offers native interfaces to support many major databases. PowerBuilder is widely used by companies in the financial, telecommunications and manufacturing sectors, as well as in government agencies.

What happened PowerBuilder?

On July 5, 2016, SAP and Appeon entered into an agreement whereby Appeon, an independent company, would be responsible for developing, selling, and supporting PowerBuilder. Over the years, PowerBuilder has been updated with new standards.

What is Microsoft PowerBuilder?

PowerBuilder is a rapid application development tool for building, maintaining and modernizing business-critical Windows applications that is owned by Sybase, a division of SAP. Powerbase makes prototype construction easier and permits developers to create client/server, Web and distributed applications for Win32, .

What is PowerBuilder written in?

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