What happens in chapter 2 Goodnight Mr Tom?

What happens in chapter 2 Goodnight Mr Tom?

Chapter 2, “Little Weirwold” Summary This chapter begins with Mr. Tom continuing to explain the dog to Willie. The old man shows the boy how to make friends with the dog and how to help gain its trust. Willie gives up his fear of the dog and allows it to lick his hand, learning that the licking means the dog likes him.

What happens in Goodnight Mr Tom Chapter 1?

In Chapter 1, we meet Tom, an older man living alone and Willie, a young evacuee from London. Tom agrees to take Willie into his home and after an encounter with Tom’s collie dog, Sammy, he realises quickly that he has taken on a lot more than he bargained for with Willie…

Why did Willie faint in Goodnight Mister Tom?

Willie drank in some more air. A wave of nausea swept through him and he vomited. ‘Go on,’ he heard Tom say, ‘breathe in some more,’ and he was sick again and again until there was no more left inside him and he hung limply in Tom’s arms.

What happens in chapter 5 of Goodnight Mister Tom?

After the service, Tom, Willie, Mr Fletcher and his two sons set to work digging a trench and building an Anderson shelter in Tom’s back garden. Throughout the chapter, Willie thinks about his previous experiences with his mother, and also wondering where the curly-haired boy from the post office is.

What happens in chapter 8 of Goodnight Mr Tom?

In this chapter, the children go to the village hall to find out what will be happening with their schooling. Zach, George, Carrie and Ginnie are all in the big class as they can read and write. He is deeply embarrassed so Tom agrees to help him learn how to read and write.

What happens in chapter 3 of Goodnight Mister Tom?

In the third chapter, Willie wakes up having wet the bed and feeling sick. Tom finds him in the morning huddled under the bed and cleans him up. Willie feels embarrassed and is fearful of what the other villagers will think if they see his bedding out on the washing line.

What happens in chapter 7 of Goodnight Mister Tom?

In this chapter, Willie is invited blackberry picking with George and the twins. Zach invites himself along but the twins are not happy that they have to show the ‘townies’ around. Whilst blackberry picking, Zach and the others begin to talk and share about their lives.

What happens to William in Goodnight Mister Tom?

William is hospitalised, but whilst there suffers horrific nightmares and is drugged simply to prevent his screams from disturbing other children. Tom is warned that it is likely that William will be taken to a children’s home, and, unable to observe William’s distress any longer, kidnaps him from the hospital and takes him back to Little Weirwold.

How old is Tom Oakley in Goodnight Mister Tom?

Tom” Oakley still broods over the death of his wife and small son while he was away in the navy during WWI, and grief has made him a surly hermit. Now children evacuated from London are overwhelming volunteers to house them. Practically under protest, Mr. Tom takes in a painfully quiet 10-year-old, who gradually reveals big problems.

Where was Little Weirwold in Goodnight Mister Tom?

The fictional village in the book is Little Weirwold, although in the film the station had a ‘Weirwold’ running in board which may be seen in the screenshots below. mainly took place at Arley. The locomotive used was GWR Mogul 7325, ‘weathered’ in an attempt to camouflage the post-War BR livery.

How many copies of Goodnight Mister Tom have been sold?

It has sold over 1.2 million copies in the UK alone. In 1998, Goodnight Mister Tom was adapted into an award winning television drama, starring John Thaw as Tom Oakley. The novel continues to enchant readers of all ages, and is studied as a set text in many schools.

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