What boon is Alistair?

What boon is Alistair?

Ignoring Chantry pressure, Alistair/Anora granted autonomy/independence to the circle mages.

What happens to Gorim?

After the death of Trian, the Dwarf Noble’s name is stricken from the Memories and exiled into the Deep Roads to fight darkspawn until their death. Gorim pleaded to let him accompany the Dwarf Noble but the Bhelen-supporting deshyrs wouldn’t allow it, and instead Gorim is exiled and sent to the surface.

Where is Lady Dace Dragon Age Origins?

the Diamond Quarter
Lady Dace. Lady Dace is found in the Diamond Quarter. She is eager to change her vote once you have delivered the documents, but cannot do so without permission from her father (Lord Anwer Dace), who is in the Deep Roads exploring Aeducan Thaig.

Is Morrigan a dragon?

Morrigan is a fictional character from BioWare’s Dragon Age franchise, first appearing as a party member in Dragon Age: Origins….Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Home Korcari Wilds, Ferelden
Class Mage
Specialization Shapeshifter

Can an elf rule with Alistair?

No, you can’t. When you try to use the Coercion Option “I’ll rule with him” on the Landsmeet, he will tell you that people won’t accept a Circle Mage as Queen, so if you make him King, he will bump you after the Landsmeet. You can only marry him and become Queen-consort if you are a Female Human Noble.

Is it good to harden Alistair?

Hardening Alistair Most guides advise hardening him if the player wants to make him king. Basically, a hardened Alistair has more confidence and is willing to put duty above feelings. This makes him much more willing to become king.

Where is Lord Anwer Dace?

Lord Anwer will be on an expedition in the Deep Roads when the Warden first arrives in Orzammar during the main plot line.

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