What is Plasmagene?

What is Plasmagene?

Plasmagene meaning A self-replicating hereditary structure once thought to exist in cytoplasm and function in a manner analogous to, but independent of, chromosomal genes.

What is cytoplasmic inheritance and examples?

The inheritance of characters controlled by genes present in the cell cytoplasm rather than by genes on the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. An example of cytoplasmic inheritance is that controlled by mitochondrial genes (see mitochondrion). From: cytoplasmic inheritance in Concise Medical Dictionary »

What is meant by cytoplasmic inheritance?

Extranuclear inheritance or cytoplasmic inheritance is the transmission of genes that occur outside the nucleus. It is found in most eukaryotes and is commonly known to occur in cytoplasmic organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts or from cellular parasites like viruses or bacteria.

Why cytoplasmic inheritance is important?

Cytoplasmic inheritance has been useful in explaining the role of various cytoplasmic organelles in the transmission of characters in different organisms.

What is Plasmagene mutation?

: a self-replicating extranuclear determiner of hereditary characteristics.

What called Plasmogene?

: gelated cytoplasm especially : the outer firm zone of a pseudopodium.

What is the meaning of cytoplasmic?

: the organized complex of inorganic and organic substances external to the nuclear membrane of a cell and including the cytosol and membrane-bound organelles (as mitochondria or chloroplasts) Other Words from cytoplasm. cytoplasmic \ ˌsīt-​ə-​ˈplaz-​mik \ adjective.

What is cytoplasmic Class 12 inheritance?

Hint: Cytoplasmic inheritance is also called Extranuclear inheritance and it is defined as the transmission of genes that occur outside of the nucleus. It is found to occur in the cytoplasmic organelles example in organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts.

What causes cytoplasmic inheritance?

After fertilization, the nuclear material of the sperm represents half of the genetic material in the zygote, but cytoplasmic organelles (e.g., plastids and mitochondria) vary between sperm and egg cells.

What is meant by reciprocal cross?

Reciprocal cross is a kind of crossing strategy, which means to make crosses between a pair of parents (A and B) by using them in turn as female parent and male parent to obtain two reciprocal crosses of A × B and B × A (usually a cross is expressed in the way that the first parent is female and the second parent is …

Which is also known as Plasmagel?

What is protoplasm in science?

protoplasm, the cytoplasm and nucleus of a cell. The term was first defined in 1835 as the ground substance of living material and, hence, responsible for all living processes.

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