How do I beat Garen With the pantheon?

How do I beat Garen With the pantheon?

Best Pantheon Runes to Counter Garen To have the best likelihood of crushing Garen as Pantheon, you should take the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand, Biscuit Delivery, and Time Warp Tonic runes from the Precision and Inspiration rune sets.

Does Garen have a counter?

Garen Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Camille, a hard to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.63% (Good) and Play Rate of 4.68% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Garen, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Does Diana counter Garen?

Gnar is a somewhat safe pick against Diana but you will have to build pretty tanky in lane, maybe first item hexdrinker, because her E can cancel your jump and pull you back into her so good Diana players will easily beat Gnar.

How do you Lane vs pantheon?

Laning Against Pantheon Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy, but don’t over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily.

How do I beat Diana as Garen?

Best Diana Runes to Counter Garen To have the highest probability of defeating Garen as Diana, you should use the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, and Ravenous Hunter runes from the Precision and Domination rune sets.

Who is the best counter to Garen in Lol?

Both Anivia and LeBlanc are great counters, but not necessarily strong champions in the top lane where Garen is usually picked. For more specific lane counters, both Pantheon and Rumble are great choices. These champions work well in the top lane and are big enough lane bullies to potentially shut down a Garen.

What’s the best way to deal with Garen?

Avoid staying in lane with low health, as Garen’s ultimate will deal massive damage to a lower health target. Try your best to keep your distance against him, because his spin deals a ton of damage if he catches you with it. Garen suffers greatly from hard CC and high-mobility ranged champions.

Where do you find Garen in solo queue?

Garen is usually seen in the top lane in solo queue. Garen has always been a fitting champion in the top lane, but can also be put in the mid lane in some matchups. During patch 11.5, Garen was tracked in the top lane for almost 130,000 matches in Platinum rank and above.

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