How to check minperm and maxperm in AIX?

How to check minperm and maxperm in AIX?

On AIX 6.1 and higher you can view the current settings for restricted tunables by executing the command “vmo -a -F” . You can view a subset of settings such as minperm%, maxperm%, and maxclient%, by executing the command “vmstat -v” and you do not require root authority to issue this command.

How do I check virtual memory utilization in AIX?

If you want to get the highest virtual memory processes on your system, you can use #svmon -P. The output of topas shows us the memory as Computational percentage, which is the Virtual memory.

What is virtual memory in AIX?

AIX® uses virtual memory to address more memory than is physically available in the system. The management of memory pages in RAM or on disk is handled by the Virtual Memory Manager (VMM). Virtual-memory segments are partitioned in units called pages.

What is file system cache in AIX?

The file system cache stores portions of the file system in RAM for faster access than a disk read. How the cache is sized, populated, and invalidated is often dependent on the file system used, running applications, and the underlying operating system.

How do I check memory on AIX server?


  1. Log in as user informix.
  2. Run the command lsdev -C | grep mem.
  3. For each device displayed in step 2., run the command:

What is computational and non computational memory in AIX?

Memory in AIX is managed by VMM, Virtual Memory Manager, that works with pages, a fixed-size block of data. Working storage pages (Computational memory) Permanent storage pages (Non-Computational memory)

Which process is using more memory AIX?

For memory information, we use the command svmon. svmon shows the total usage of physical and paging memory.

What is non computational memory in AIX?

Non-Computational memory is not released after the data were read-written, as you can see in vmstat output where the freelist remains at 3056 after the I/O terminated. The filecache is released when: – the cached file is removed. – the filesystem where the cached file resides is unmounted.

What is Numperm?

Numperm Number of frames used for files (in 4 KB pages). Process Percentage of real memory used by process segments. System Percentage of real memory used by system segments.

What does the minperm limit mean in Aix?

The minperm limit indicates the target minimum amount of memory that should be used for non-computational pages. By default, maxperm is an “un-strict” limit, so it allows more non-computational files to be cached in memory when there is available free memory.

What should the maxclient% be in AIX 5L?

The default value of this setting for AIX 5L is 80%, and for AIX 6.1 and higher is 90% but it is now a restricted setting for AIX 6.1 and higher maxclient% – the threshold above which client memory pages will be evicted in favor of computational memory pages.

When does Aix target non-computational client pages?

In this case, the AIX kernel always targets non-computational pages when numperm is between minperm and maxperm. maxclient specifies a limit on the maximum amount of memory that should be used to cache non-computational client pages.

What should the maxperm setting be for DB2?

The older strategy for DB2 product running on AIX systems was to reduce file cache usage with a combination of moderately low maxperm or maxclient settings, such as 15-30%, and a much lower minperm setting, such as 5-10%. This strategy was required to prevent the paging out of computational memory on systems with a very active file cache.

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