What is the syllabus of Rajasthan Si?

What is the syllabus of Rajasthan Si?

Rajasthan SI Syllabus 2021 PDF Download in Hindi. शब्द रचना : संधि और संधि विच्छेद, समास, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय। शब्द ज्ञान : पर्यायवाची, विलोम, शब्द युग्मो का अर्थ भेद, वाक्यांश के लिए सार्थक शब्द, संश्रुत भिन्नार्थक शब्द, समानार्थी शब्दों का विवेक, उपयुक्त शब्द चयन, सम्बन्धवाची शब्दावली। शब्द शुद्धि।

Is Rajasthan SI exam tough?

Is Rajasthan Police SI exam 2021 tough to crack? Toughness level of exam depends on the preparation of candidates. If this exam is prepared well it can be cracked easily.

How can I become Si in Rajasthan?

Rajasthan Police SI Eligibility Criteria: Educational Qualification. Candidates should have completed their graduation from a recognised university or college. Candidates should also have knowledge of Rajasthani Culture and Hindi written in Devnagari..

How can I become a inspector in Rajasthan?

Candidates applying for the Sub Inspector post must also meet the following educational qualifications to be eligible for the examination.

  1. Candidates should possess a Graduation Degree from a recognized board or university.
  2. Candidates should also have knowledge of Rajasthani Culture and Hindi written in Devnagari.

How can I clear my SI exam?

Make a study schedule and make sure it covers all the subjects. Do not leave any topic. Preferable start with time-consuming topics like Mental Ability, and Mental Aptitude portions of the exam. Practice the previous year’s papers and attempt as many mock tests as possible before the exam.

Is the Rajasthan Police Sub Inspector syllabus the same?

The students should check the Rajasthan Sub Inspector Exam Syllabus because there will be no question outside this. There are no changes in Rajasthan police bharti syllabus it is same as the previous year’s syllabus. Check the Rajasthan Police SI Exam Syllabus inform us in comment section we will sort it out.

When is the date of Rajasthan Police si exam?

Student just focus on the Rajasthan Police SI Syllabus ( राजस्थान पुलिस एसआई सिलेबस) at least two times before exam time. The Rajasthan police si exam is expected to be conducted in April/May 2021. Dont wait for the Rajasthan SI Admit Card 2021, you will miss opportunity for appearing in the exam

Are there 416 Sub Inspector posts in Rajasthan?

According to Rajasthan Police bharti notification 2021 there will be 416 posts for male and female candidates. All the candidates have to start preparation now with the help of Rajasthan Sub Inspector Syllabus 2021.

Which is the new date of RPSC sub inspector exam?

Applicants check the detailed Rajasthan Police SI Exam Syllabus & Sub Inspector Exam Pattern. New Exam Date: RPSC SI Exam Date is 13th to 15th September 2021. Rajasthan Police 81 SI/ Platoon Commander Online application form reopened from 30th June 2021. Candidates can register till 14th July 2021 with essential documents.

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