What are the 5 core elements of the recovery model?

What are the 5 core elements of the recovery model?

They are:

  • Uniqueness of the individual.
  • Real choices.
  • Attitudes and rights.
  • Dignity and respect.
  • Partnership and communication.
  • Evaluating recovery.

What are recovery based principles?

Holistic: Recovery focuses on people’s entire lives, including mind, body, spirit and community. Nonlinear: Recovery isn’t a step-by-step process but one based on continual growth, occasional setbacks and learning from experience. Strengths-based: Recovery builds on people’s strengths.

What are the principles of mental health recovery?

The 10 fundamental components of mental health recovery include the following principles:

  • Self-Direction.
  • Individualized and Person-Centered.
  • Empowerment.
  • Holistic.
  • Non-Linear.
  • Strengths-Based.
  • Peer Support.
  • Respect.

What are the four dimensions of recovery?


  • In Fiscal Year 2012, Trilogy aligned its strategic plan for growth with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) definition of the four major dimensions that are essential to a life in recovery: health, home, purpose and community.
  • What are the guiding principles of recovery according to Samhsa?

    SAMHSA’s 10 Guiding Principles of Recovery

    • Recovery Emerges from Hope.
    • Recovery is Person-driven.
    • Recovery Happens Through Many Pathways.
    • Recovery is a Holistic Process.
    • Recovery Needs the Support of Family, Friends and Peers.
    • Recovery is Supported by Developing Emotional Bonds with Empowering Individuals.

    What are the key factors of recovery?

    Some research suggests that key factors on the road to recovery include:

    • good relationships.
    • satisfying work.
    • personal growth.
    • the right living environment.

    What are the 3 principles of recovery?

    These 3 principles are the HOW of recovery:

    • Honesty.
    • Open mindedness.
    • Willingness.

    What is the recovery process?

    Recovery is a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. Even people with severe and chronic substance use disorders can, with help, overcome their illness and regain health and social function.

    What are the underlying principles of personal recovery?

    Principles of recovery oriented mental health practice

    • Uniqueness of the individual.
    • Real choices.
    • Attitudes and rights.
    • Dignity and respect.
    • Partnership and communication.
    • Evaluating recovery.

    What are the 6 stages of recovery?

    There are six main stages of change in addiction recovery: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination. Although people can move through these stages in order, it’s also common for people to go between stages, forward and backward, or be in more than one stage at a time.

    What is the concept of recovery?

    [Recovery is] a deeply personal, unique process of changing one’s attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even within the limitations caused by illness.

    What is a recovery strategy?

    Method chosen by an organization to restore operations to normal following a disaster. It includes (1) manual operations, (2) suspending data processing (3) arrange a service provider and (4) backing up essential data.

    Why are the 12 principles of recovery important?

    Many people hear about the 12 Steps made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous and think that the whole process is just too complicated. This is precisely why it is so important to have a better understanding of the 12 Principles of Recovery.

    Which is a principle of the 4th step of recovery?

    This is the goal of the 4th Step of Recovery. The guiding Principle of the 4th Step—HONESTY—breaks down into two parts. Your moral inventory must be: Searching—You must thoroughly examine your character, thoughts, and past actions, and make a list of both your defects and your strengths.

    How is perseverance related to your recovery plan?

    As you work your recovery plan, you are establishing perseverance to withstand and defeat temptation when it comes. The dividends you reap are directly related to the investment you make. Rather than hoping temptations never come, diligently prepare yourself for when they do.

    What do you need to know about recovery?

    People who are active in addiction are often coming from environments that allow, and even encourage, their addictive patterns. A strong recovery requires good emotional, spiritual, and relational support. A strong, sober support network is more often built than it is found.

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