What are the different types of cooperative society?

What are the different types of cooperative society?

Types of Cooperative Society

  • 1] Producer Cooperative.
  • 2] Consumer Cooperative.
  • 3] Credit Unions.
  • 4] Marketing Cooperative Society.
  • 5] Housing Cooperative Society.

What are the types of cooperative in Nigeria?


  • Agricultural cooperative society (also known as farmers’ cooperative)
  • Saving and credit cooperative society (also known as microfinance cooperative)
  • Multi-purpose cooperative society (General cooperative)

What are the four different types of cooperative societies?

Some of the major types of cooperative societies are as follows: (1) Credit Cooperative Societies (2) Consumers Societies (3) Producers Societies. Credit society was the first type of cooperatives. Its objective was to provide credit to the members of the society.

What is a cooperative What are the 3 types of cooperatives?

Types of Cooperatives

  • Producer / Marketing Cooperatives.
  • Consumer Cooperatives.
  • Worker Cooperatives.
  • Housing Cooperatives.
  • Financial Cooperatives.
  • New Generation Cooperatives.
  • Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives.
  • Non-profit Community Service Cooperatives.

What are the 3 categories of cooperatives?

They are:

  • Producer Cooperatives.
  • Worker Cooperatives.
  • Consumer Cooperatives.
  • Retail or Purchasing Cooperatives.
  • Social Cooperatives.

How many cooperative societies are there in Nigeria?

The societies number nearly 300, with a member- ship exceeding 12,000 • though they were started in Lagos, and though more than half their total assets still belong to the fifty odd Lagos societies, they have now spread all over Nigeria and the British Cameroons.

How many types of cooperatives are there?

Cooperatives may be classified as either worker, consumer, producer, purchasing or housing cooperatives. They are distinguished from other forms of incorporation in that profit-making or economic stability are balanced by the interests of the community.

How many members do co-operatives have in Nigeria?

Research Methodology * According to the Nigerian Co-operatives Societies Act, primary co-operatives operate at the community level and must have at least 10 members to be registered with the State Departments of Co-operatives.

What is the definition of a cooperative society?

Cooperative societies can also be defined as an autonomous group of individuals pooling their resources together in order to jointly elevate themselves economically, socially, or culturally. Cooperative societies come in many types and kinds.

What makes a co-operative a good co-op?

•Co-operatives are centred around oneness and unity. Each member regards the group as a one for all and all for one group – each member sees the other members as their partners, ensuring that everyone is making progress in his/her career or business.

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