Which is an important feature of the JavaBeans architecture?

Which is an important feature of the JavaBeans architecture?

JavaBeans is an architecture for both using and building components in Java. This architecture supports the features of software reuse, component models, and object orientation. One of the most important features of JavaBeans is that it does not alter the existing Java language.

What was the design of the TWA Flight Center?

It is clear that Saarinen’s design of the TWA Flight Center was very innovative for its time. Not only does it incorporate modern materials like concrete but it also implemented a very radical design aesthetic for its time. It was one of the first progressive pieces of modern architecture to be used in a public space for civilian use.

Who was the architect for the TWA Terminal?

He later went on to study at the Yale School of Architecture and Design. 3 In the 1940’s, when the Port of New York Authority began its development of an international airport, Saarinen was tasked with designing the TWA terminal. TWA was also one of the largest airlines in America at the time. 4

Is the EJB architecture based on the RMI model?

The EJB Architecture EJBs are based conceptually on the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) model. The EJB specification does not prescribe that the transport mechanism has to be pure RMI. Figure shows the basic EJB architecture. Before going into details about implementing EJBs, some basic concepts must be clarified.

How are JavaBeans used in a Java application?

With technologies such as relational databases and ActiveX, JavaBeans can be used in tandem. To summarize, JavaBean is a component architecture for Sun’s Java Language. JavaBean enables Java professionals to write applications easily and quickly. One can write any component as a JavaBean and then plugged into it into an application.

How does JavaBeans help in reusing software components?

As stated, JavaBeans helps in reusing software components in developing an application. With the help of JavaBeans, one can reuse software components that other developers write.

What are the components of the Java beam?

Components of Java Beams are nothing but the class that contains the definition of beans. These classes have specific design convections. It consists of events, methods, persistence, properties. Non-GUI based and GUI based components are the two types of components. The classes are discussed below:

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