Is south west direction good for sleeping?

Is south west direction good for sleeping?

According to Vastu Shastra, you should choose the south-west direction of the room to keep the bed. Its head should be kept towards the south in order to have a nice sleep. In Vastu Shastra today, Acharya Indu Prakash talks about the right direction of sleeping in the bedroom and keeping other things to get prosperity.

Which is the best direction to sleep scientifically?

According to ancient traditions like vastu shastra, the best direction to sleep in is toward the south. This theory is also supported by some recent research1. This means that when you lie in bed, your head is pointed south2, and your feet are pointed north.

Is it OK to sleep facing west?

According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while you should never sleep with head in the west direction. Sleeping in the east direction is considered good for health. The reason being the sun.

What should we keep in south west direction?

As per Vastu Shastra, one of the best ways to ensure financial stability is to grow your wealth in the earth corner of the home —the south-west. All your jewellery, money and important financial documents must be kept in the south-west (store such things in a cupboard or safe), facing north or north-east.

Is South West direction good for House?

The direction of your home or office’s main entrance is crucial, according to vastu. It is a place from where you welcome in wealth and well-being. There are many vastu specialists who recommend that the south to south-west directions are a complete no-no and one needs to steer clear from them.

Which direction should be head while sleeping?

It is important to align your bed in your room in the way that it will help you provide a good sleep. So, in this case direction becomes an important thing. According to Vastu Shastra, you should sleep with your head in the south or east direction, that means feet at bedtime should be in the north or west.

Which way should your bed face southern hemisphere?

For people living in the Northern hemisphere, any direction except facing North is advisable. Conversely, if your country is in the Southern hemisphere, any direction except facing South is going to help you sleep better at night.

Which direction should I sleep in Southern Hemisphere?

This is true as long as you are in the northern hemisphere – sleeping with your head towards any side except north is okay. In the southern hemisphere, don’t put your head to the south.” So, the worst sleeping direction is North but why is this.

Is sleeping with head in west direction good?

4. Sleeping With Head Towards West. This position is not as beneficial as East or South, but if you are looking for success, then as per Vastu, you should keep your head towards this direction while sleeping. At the same time, this direction can relieve you of any unwanted negative energies in your life.

What is south west direction good for?

Right usage of Southwest gives a strong & healthy life. It can give you confidence, wealth and health. Southwest can give you name and fame in life, but if Southwest is not according to vaastu, it can bring many problems to the inmates of the structure.

What happens if house is south west facing?

Avoid a property which has a door facing South West as it is the entry of the devil energy and brings in struggles and misfortunes. If the wealth energy as per advanced Feng Shui of that house is good, the occupant may prosper during initial 3-4 years. But then may face a down fall.

Is South West facing bad?

Avoid a property which has a door facing South West as it is the entry of the devil energy and brings in struggles and misfortunes. If the wealth energy as per advanced Feng Shui of that house is good, the occupant may prosper during initial 3-4 years.

Which way should your bed face for the best sleep?

Ideally, when sleeping, your head or the head of the bed, should be facing North. North represents quieting the mind, allowing self-introspection and promotes the warm, restorative, safe feeling that comes with a time of deep sleep or hibernation.

Is it bad feng shui if the House is facing west?

If your kua is different from kua 6, you can still find a west-facing house in feng shui a good fit since you share the same good directions. However, your kua number will have different attributes assigned to the four good directions and four bad directions.

What is the Best Direction for the front door in feng shui?

Best Direction: South-facing and East-facing. In terms of house Feng Shui,the door is an inlet,just like a person’s mouth and nose,thus playing a very important role.

  • Relationship between Front Door and Job. In general,the front door shall not face northeast or southwest.
  • Feng Shui of Eight Front Door Directions.
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