What is F5 iControl?

What is F5 iControl?

iControl is a Web services-enabled open API providing granular control over the configuration and management of F5’s application delivery platform, BIG-IP®. iControl, like other SOA and Web services-enabled solutions, can be used by virtually any platform capable of integrating via SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol).

What are F5 Iapps?

What is F5 iApp? F5 iApp™ is a powerful new set of features in the BIG-IP system that provides a new way to architect application delivery in the data center, and it includes a holistic, application-centric view of how applications are managed and delivered inside, outside, and beyond the data center.

Is F5 an API gateway?

F5 offers API gateway and security solutions that adapt to support virtually any deployment model. The solution, built on NGINX and F5 technology, separates management and data planes to maximize performance and scale.

What is F5 Big-IP?

F5’s BIG-IP is a family of products covering software and hardware designed around application availability, access control, and security solutions. That’s right, the BIG-IP name is interchangeable between F5’s software and hardware application delivery controller and security products.

What are virtual servers in F5?

The F5 Virtual Server is a virtual IP that serves user requests. It transmits the requests to the pool that you configure. It is represented by a virtual IP address and a service, such as :80. The primary purpose of a virtual server is to distribute traffic.

What is iCall F5?

tl;dr – iCall is BIG-IP’s event-based granular automation system that enables comprehensive control over configuration and other system settings and objects. The main programmability points of entrance for BIG-IP are the data plane, the control plane, and the management plane.

What is API F5?

The F5 BIG-IP offers many programmable interfaces, from control-plane to data-plane. js-based event-driven programming API for manipulating data-plane traffic in real time. tmsh (scripting) – A Tcl-based scripting environment within the traffic management shell that supports control-plane actions.

What is the difference between API gateway and load balancer?

Those services communicate via APIs; the API gateway ensures that those services interoperate properly in an overall deployment. As an example, an API gateway connects microservices, while load balancers redirect multiple instances of the same microservice components as they scale out.

What is F5 URL?

F5 Application URLs Test. For each URL through which applications are accessed by the end users, this test reports the time taken by the applications that are load balanced by the target traffic manager to respond to requests, reports the average load time of the application etc.

Who uses F5 Big-IP?

F5 BIG-IP is most often used by companies with 1-10 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue….Who uses F5 BIG-IP?

Company Penguin Random House LLC
Company Lorven Technologies
Website lorventech.com
Country United States
Revenue 10M-50M

What is SSL offloading in F5?

SSL offloading means that all HTTPS traffic is decrypted on the Load Balancer and passed to the backend servers in plain HTTP. When information is transmitted through SSL secure protocol, the webserver acts to encrypt or decrypt your web traffic.

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