How can I lighten the skin under my eyes?

How can I lighten the skin under my eyes?

A dermatologist might suggest a light chemical peel to lighten dark pigmentation under the eyes. Commonly these will include glycolic acid, retinoic acid or hydroquinone. Your dermatologist might also suggest a Jessner peel, which includes a combination of salicylic acid, lactic acid, and resorcinol.

What can I use for black under eyes?


  • Apply a cold compress. A cold compress can help reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood vessels.
  • Get extra sleep. Catching up on sleep can also help reduce the appearance of dark circles.
  • Elevate your head.
  • Soak with tea bags.
  • Conceal with makeup.

How do I get rid of dark circles under my eyes permanently?

How to remove dark eye circles

  1. Getting adequate sleep. Some people notice dark eye circles when they experience periods of low-quality sleep.
  2. Elevating the head during sleep.
  3. Applying cold compresses.
  4. Minimizing sun exposure.
  5. Cucumber slices and tea bags.
  6. Vitamin C.
  7. Retinoid creams.
  8. Hydroquinone, kojic acid, and arbutin creams.

Does Vaseline and lemon juice remove dark circles?

Yes, Vaseline, too can be used to lighten and get rid of dark circles. Add a drop of lemon juice to Vaseline, and apply under the eye. Let it sit there for about 45 minutes, and then gently rinse with cold water.

What is the best home remedy for dark circles under eyes?

The Best Routines for Getting Rid of Dark Circles and Under Eye Bags

  • Cold Compress. In the morning or evening – or better yet, in the morning AND the evening – apply a cold compress for about 10 minutes.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Cucumber Juice + Lemon Juice.
  • Rose Water.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cold tea bags.
  • Potatoes.
  • Cold Milk.

Is it bad to have lemon juice in Your Eyes?

Pure lemon juice will definitely irritate your eyes quite a bit. Even putting a diluted solution like this in your eyes might cause some irritation. But it will be relatively safe and won’t likely cause any damage. What causes burning is the citric acid in lemon juice.

Can you put lemon juice in your eye?

Some individuals may moisten a cloth or cotton ball with lemon and dab this on their eyelids. However, lemons consist of citric acid , and applying lemon juice straight to your eyes may cause burning, stinging, redness and general inflammation.

Does lemon clean your eye?

A drop of lemon every hour or more into both eyes, even if one is not infected, plus luke-warm water, kills all the pink eye pathogens and bacteria within 48 hours. Better than paying to see a doctor, paying for antibiotics, waiting on antibiotics to start.

Does lemon juice interact with eye infection?

Do not use lemon juice as a preventative. It may irritate your eyes and lead to infection. The viral and bacterial forms or pink eye are contagious. If you are prone to allergies, vacuum and dust your home often and close doors and windows on days when there is a high pollen count in your area.

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