What does T6 vertebrae control?

What does T6 vertebrae control?

Your T6 vertebra protects the nerve root that allows your brain to communicate with your stomach.

What is a T6 spinal cord injury?

A T6 spinal cord injury can affect motor control and sensation from the top of the abdomen down. Luckily, T6 spinal cord injury patients usually have normal upper extremity functions; therefore, control of the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, and chest are often unaffected.

What type of paralysis would occur in T6?

T1–T6: Paraplegia (paralysis of the legs and lower body) with full function of arms but loss of function below mid-chest.

What nerves run along the T6 vertebrae?

Each thoracic spinal nerve is named for the vertebra above it. eg the T4 nerve root runs between the T4 vertebra and T5 vertebra….Function.

T1–T6 Intercostals and trunk above the waist
T7–L1 Abdominal muscles

Where is the T6 nerve?

The spinal cord with spinal nerves. The thoracic spinal nerve 6 (T6) is a spinal nerve of the thoracic segment. It originates from the spinal column from below the thoracic vertebra 6 (T6).

What happens at T6?

Lesions to the spinal cord at or above T6 allow the strong and uninhibited sympathetic tone to constrict the splanchnic vascular bed, causing systemic hypertension. Lesions below T6 generally allow enough descending inhibitory parasympathetic control to modulate the splanchnic tone and prevent hypertension.

Where are the T5 and T6 in your spine?

T5: Fifth thoracic vertebra. T6: Sixth thoracic vertebra. T7: Seventh thoracic vertebra.

What does T6 mean in medical terms?

The sixth thoracic vertebra counting from the top down. (

What nerves run along the T5 and T6?

T-1 through T-5 nerves affect muscles, upper chest, mid-back and abdominal muscles. These nerves and muscles help control the rib cage, lungs, diaphragm and muscles that help you breathe. T-6 through T-12 nerves affect abdominal and back muscles.

Where are the T1-T8 vertebrae located in the spine?

T1 – T8 Spinal Cord Injuries. The first eight segments of the thoracic spine connect to the rib cage and control the trunk of the body. The thoracic region of the spinal column is made up of 12 segments referred to as T1 – T12. It is located in the middle of the spine between the cervical and lumbar levels.

What is the function of the T6 thoracic vertebrae?

The sixth thoracic vertebrae (T6), located just below the level of the shoulder blades, works in conjunction with the remaining 11 segments to protect the nerves of the spine. Each vertebra is larger than the one above it, increasing in diameter as they run the length of the spine. The larger the segment, the more weight it is able to support.

What are the effects of spinal cord injury at the T1-T8 level?

Patients with an injury at the T1 – T8 levels may experience: Lack of function in the legs and/or torso, resulting in paraplegia. Lack of dexterity in the fingers and/or hands. Reduced ability or inability to control the abdominal muscles or trunk of the body. Lack of bowel and/or bladder function.

Where is the T8 located in the body?

Anatomically, the T8 is also at the same level as the xiphoid process, which is a small projection located in the lower part of the sternum, or breastbone. At birth, the xiphoid process is made of cartilage, although it ossifies into bone by adulthood.

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