What happens if you get caught with a gram in Texas?

What happens if you get caught with a gram in Texas?

Possession of less than one gram of THC concentrate can result in state jail felony charges. State jail felonies are punishable by 180 days to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000. Possession of one to four grams of a THC concentrate is a third-degree felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Can a drug paraphernalia charge be dropped in Texas?

Without your possession of drug paraphernalia, drugs being found on your person, or your fingerprints being found on the container of the drugs or on the drugs themselves, your case may be dismissed.

What is the minimum punishment for possession of controlled substances in Texas?

At a minimum, the charge for drug possession in Texas is either a “Class B” or “Class A” misdemeanor. This carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000, depending on the type of drug.

How long do you go to jail for drug possession in Texas?

What Are the Penalties for Drug Possession in Texas?

Possession Penalty Incarceration
Less than 1 gram State jail felony 6 months to 2 years
1 to 4 grams 3rd degree felony 2 to 10 years
4 to 200 grams 2nd degree felony 2 to 20 years
200 to 400 grams 1st degree felony 5 to 99 years

How many grams is a felony in Texas?

Any amount above 4 grams by weight will be charged as a felony under Texas law. For smaller amounts, you will face up to a year in county jail. But a conviction for more than 400 grams of a Group 2-A substance carries a potential sentence of between 2 and 20 years in state prison as well as a fine of up to $10,000.

How do you beat drug paraphernalia charge?

One of the most common ways to dismiss drug paraphernalia charges from a record is to prove that probable cause didn’t exist. If a police officer pulled you over without stop or seizure of your person. The drug charge, in all probability, will be dismissed.

What is a PG 1 charge?

PG1: Cocaine/meth/heroin.

What is PG 1 controlled substance?

The controlled substances in Penalty Group 1 include most opiates and opium derivatives, as well as other drugs that the Texas government deems particularly dangerous. Among the other drugs that fall within Penalty Group 1 are: Cocaine. Heroin.

What does Poss CS pg 1 < 1G mean?

Robert Henry Featherston. Possession of a controlled substance, penalty group 1 less than 1 gram, is a violation of the Texas Health and Safety code section 481.115.

What are the penalty groups for controlled substances in Texas?

Texas Penal Code § 481.102 lists the penalty groups for controlled substances set forth by the Texas Controlled Substances Act. Penalty Group 1 – The drugs found under penalty group 1 have no medicinal purpose and a very high risk of abuse. Penalty group 1 drugs tend to have the highest penalties.

What does penalty Group 1 mean in Texas?

Possession of a controlled substance, penalty group 1 less than 1 gram, is a violation of the Texas Health and Safety code section 481.115. Penalty group 1 contains many drugs; the most commonly charged are cocaine and heroin.

What does Poss not in penalty group mean?

If the drug found on you isn’t in a penalty group, you may see an abbreviation similar to this: POSS CS NOT IN PG. Texas Drug Laws – Visit the official website of Texas Health and Safety Code to learn more about penalty groups.

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