What is the role of Senior Treatment Supervisor?

What is the role of Senior Treatment Supervisor?

The DTCS is responsible for monitoring programme implementation, arranging necessary logistics such as transport, and procuring materials such as laboratory consumables. As the STS, you are a part of the sub-district level.

What are the objectives of Ntep?

The main areas of focus are private sector engagement, strengthen public sector notification, TB case-finding among key populations (socially vulnerable and clinically high risk), Improvement in the success rate, newer drugs and regimen implementation and reduce catastrophic cost to patient.

What is senior tuberculosis laboratory supervisor?

The activities of the microscopy centres in a TB unit are supervised by a Senior TB Laboratory Supervisor (STLS). The STLS visits every microscopy centre at least once a month. Sputum samples from patients who fail RNTCP treatment are sent to the nearest reference laboratory for culture of M.

What are the main goals of RNTCP?

The initial objectives of the RNTCP in India were: to achieve and maintain a TB treatment success rate of at least 85% among new sputum positive (NSP) patients. to achieve and maintain detection of at least 70% of the estimated new sputum positive people in the community.

What is DMC in tuberculosis?

Designated Microscopy Centre (DMC): The most peripheral laboratory under the RNTCP network is the designated microscopy centre (DMC) which serves a population of around 100,000 (50,000 in tribal and hilly areas).

What is the full form of Rntcp?

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) Tuberculosis (TB) control activities are implemented in the country for more than 50 years.

What is the difference between Rntcp and Ntep?

It is no longer known as the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), and has been rechristened as the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP). The change in name is in line with the larger goal of eliminating the disease by 2025, five years ahead of the Sustainable Development Goals target.

What is the importance of national tuberculosis control Programme?

PIP: In 1962, the government of India launched a National Tuberculosis Control Program to detect as many tuberculosis cases as possible, provide effective treatment, establish district tuberculosis centers, extend short-course chemotherapy, and strengthen existing state tuberculosis training and demonstration centers.

What is DOTS in Rntcp?

Directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) strategy is one of the vital components of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) came into existence in 1997. Directly observed treatment providers (DOT providers) are the grass root level link between program and clients.

What is the full form of DOTS?

Directly observed treatment, short-course (DOTS, also known as TB-DOTS) is the name given to the tuberculosis (TB) control strategy recommended by the World Health Organization.

What is the new name of RNTCP?

National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme
On January 1, 2020, India’s TB control programme got a change of name. It is no longer known as the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP), and has been rechristened as the National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP).

What is ISTB?

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by a bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB bacteria are released into the air when someone with infectious TB coughs or sneezes. Pulmonary TB (in the lungs or throat) is the only form of the illness that is infectious, but TB can affect any part of the body.

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