How do I add a ButtonGroup?

How do I add a ButtonGroup?

As ButtonGroup is not a component, you cannot add your ButtonGroup to a JPanel. Instead add your buttons to your JPanel, e.g: JPanel jPanel = new JPanel(); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); btn1 = new JRadioButton(“btn1 “);btn1. setSelected(true); btn2 = new JRadioButton(“btn2 “); group.

How do you add radio buttons to groups?

You group radio buttons by drawing them inside a container such as a Panel control, a GroupBox control, or a form. All radio buttons that are added directly to a form become one group. To add separate groups, you must place them inside panels or group boxes.

How add graphics in NetBeans?

Select the label and Right click->Go to Properties. In Icon property select image by down arrow as shown in image….3 Answers

  1. Open the form in NetBeans form editor.
  2. Add a JLabel from the pallete to the form.
  3. Select the label you just added and click the “…” button next to the icon property.
  4. Fill out the properties.

Can you add a panel to a panel in Java?

We can add most of the components like buttons, text fields, labels, tables, lists, trees, etc. to a JPanel. We can also add multiple sub-panels to the main panel using the add() method of Container class.

What is the use of ButtonGroup class object?

This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of buttons. Creating a set of buttons with the same ButtonGroup object means that turning “on” one of those buttons turns off all other buttons in the group. A ButtonGroup can be used with any set of objects that inherit from AbstractButton .

Is it necessary to include multiple radio buttons in a radio group?

Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. However, because radio buttons are mutually exclusive, you must group them together inside a RadioGroup . By grouping them together, the system ensures that only one radio button can be selected at a time.

Do radio buttons need to be in a form?

On the surface, radio buttons seem a lot like checkboxes, but they are different in a number of important ways: Radio buttons occur only in groups. You can have one checkbox on a form, but radio buttons make sense only when placed in groups.

How can insert image in HTML using NetBeans?

Tip: Importing Images into NetBeans

  1. Drag image from outside NetBeans into a project (e.g., a package) in Projects window.
  2. Copy an image outside NetBeans (so it is now on clipboard), then paste it onto a package and then it is added.

How do I add an image to a jar file?

First step: Put your image in a defined location in your JAR-file. If you put it into the src-folder, maybe your IDE or your build-tool will package it to the JAR automatically. Otherwise check the documentation of your IDE/build-tool, in which location you have to put it.

What is declaration JScrollbar class?

The object of JScrollbar class is used to add horizontal and vertical scrollbar. It is an implementation of a scrollbar. It inherits JComponent class.

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