How do I share files between VirtualBox Ubuntu and host computer?

How do I share files between VirtualBox Ubuntu and host computer?

Ubuntu 10.04 host

  1. Create a folder on the Host computer (ubuntu) that you would like to share, for example ~/share.
  2. Boot the Guest operating system in VirtualBox.
  3. Select Devices -> Shared Folders…
  4. Choose the ‘Add’ button.
  5. Select ‘/home//share’ for Folder Path.
  6. Select ‘share’ for Folder Name.

Where is the shared folder in VirtualBox Ubuntu?

Add Shared folder

  1. In VirtualBox Manager select your Virtual Machine (VM)
  2. Settings >> Shared Folders >> Add new shared folder.
  3. Folder path: path to the folder to be shared with your VM.
  4. Folder name: name of the shared folder to be displayed in your VM.

Where does VirtualBox mount shared?

The default mount location is in /media/sf_ . You can access the share by making the user, or group id of 1000 , a member of group vboxsf . This is done by changing the vboxsf line in the /etc/group file.

How do shared folders work in VirtualBox?

To share a host folder with a virtual machine in Oracle VM VirtualBox, you must specify the path of the folder and choose a share name that the guest can use to access the shared folder. This happens on the host. In the guest you can then use the share name to connect to it and access files.

How do I share files between virtual machine and host?

Launch VirtualBox and open Devices > Shared Folders > Shared Folders Settings. Click +, then in Folder Path, click the arrow and select Other. Browse (the host OS) for the folder you’re using as a share, highlight it, then Select Folder.

How do I transfer files from Ubuntu to Windows VirtualBox?

Virtualbox: Share A Folder in Ubuntu Host to Windows Guest

  1. Navigate to Shared Folders in left pane.
  2. Click ‘Adds new shared folder’ button in the right.
  3. In next pop-up dialog do: Folder Path, choose a folder in the Host OS to share with. Folder Name, auto generated after chosen folder. Enable ‘Auto-mount’.

How do I access a shared folder in Ubuntu?

To get access the shared folder: In Ubuntu, go to Files -> Other Locations. In the bottom input box, type smb://IP-Address/ and hit enter.

How do I access a shared folder in Ubuntu terminal?

3 Answers

  1. You need the ip of the NAS, e.g, then you type in a terminal: smbclient -L=
  2. Now you type in smbclient //
  3. Now you are in the client and can browse the shared volume without mounting it to your file system.

How do I mount a shared drive in VirtualBox?


  1. Open VirtualBox.
  2. Right-click your VM, then click Settings.
  3. Go to Shared Folders section.
  4. Add a new shared folder.
  5. On Add Share prompt, select the Folder Path in your host that you want to be accessible inside your VM.
  6. In the Folder Name field, type shared.
  7. Uncheck Read-only and Auto-mount, and check Make Permanent.

How do I enable file sharing in VirtualBox?

How to Enable File sharing in VirtualBox.

  1. Install Guest Additions on the Guest machine. Start the Virtuabox Guest Machine (OS).
  2. Setup File Sharing on VirtualBox Guest Machine. From VirtualBox menu click Devices and choose Shared Folders -> Shared Folder Settings.

How do I share files between host and guest OS in VirtualBox?

Share folders between host and guest

  1. From the top menu bar of VirtualBox, go to Shared Folders > Shared Folders Settings.
  2. You will see the following settings window in your guest system.
  3. In the Add Share dialog box, select the shared folder using the Folder Path drop-down, and choose a folder from your host OS.

How do I share a folder between Ubuntu and windows in VirtualBox?

Can you use VirtualBox shared folder on Linux?

Mount VirtualBox shared folder on Ubuntu or Linux guest. You may have setup VirtualBox shared folder as we had previous described but you cannot use it or copy files to it until you mount VirtualBox shared folder on Ubuntu or Linux guest OS. Setting up a shared VBox folder allows you to easily share files between host OS and guest OS.

How can I install Ubuntu on my VirtualBox?

Select your new virtual machine and click ‘Settings’ button. Click on ‘Storage’ category and then ‘Empty’ under Controller:IDE. Click “CD/DVD” icon on right hand side and select the ubuntu ISO file to mount. Note that if you have not downloaded 64-bit Ubuntu ISO file, you can check out this page for more information.

How does VirtualBox work with the host operating system?

VirtualBox can create and run a “guest” operating system ( virtual machine ) in a window of the host operating system. The virtual machine provides a self-contained environment in which to experiment with new software without risking damaging changes to the host operating system.

How to auto Mount VBOX shared folder on Linux?

Hence, enabling Auto-mount in the Shared Folder Settings and adding the user to vboxsf group is the way to setup automount during boot with required permissions. So there you go, mount VBox shared folder on Ubuntu or other Linux guest OSes, and enjoy seamlessly sharing files between the two OSes.

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