How do you facilitate a book club discussion?

How do you facilitate a book club discussion?

7 Tips for Leading a Lively Book Discussion Group

  1. Find thought-provoking and engrossing books to discuss.
  2. Let your group members have a say in what they read.
  3. Be prepared.
  4. Be comfortable leading and listening.
  5. Be grateful for your group members.
  6. Be understanding and practical.
  7. Reward yourself for a job well done.

What are good questions to ask an author about their book?

10 Questions Every Author Should Be Ready To Answer

  • What inspired you to write this book?
  • Can you tell me about the book?
  • What did you learn when writing the book?
  • What surprised you the most?
  • What does the title mean?
  • What did the subject(s) of the book think of it?
  • What are the subject(s) doing now?

How do you make a book club interesting?

10 Ways To Make A Book Club Fun And Not Intense

  1. Spend Your First Day Getting To Know Everyone And Come Up With A Club Name.
  2. Keep Book Choices Under 300 Pages.
  3. Celebrate After Finishing A Book.
  4. Switch Up Your Meeting Spots.
  5. Use An Online Calendar.
  6. Open Up Book Discussion With A Game.

How long should a book club discussion be?

Most new groups starting out will probably find it best to meet monthly and to discuss one book of about 300 pages or less.

What are the rules of the Watchtower Society?

Witnesses are forbidden to serve in the military, salute the flag, say the pledge of allegiance, vote in elections, take blood transfusions, celebrate birthdays and holidays including Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas, and are forbidden to read literature critical of the organization.

When did the Watchtower Society publish their translation of the Bible?

In 1950, the Watchtower Society came out with their own translation of the Bible, the New World Translation. Jehovah’s Witnesses are told that this translation is the most accurate, unbiased translation available.

Who was the founder of the Watchtower Society?

13) In 1879, at the age of 27, Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, began publishing Zion’s Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence. Born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania in 1852, he was raised a Presbyterian, but later joined a liberal Congregational Church because he preferred its views.

How often do Jehovah’s Witnesses have to attend meetings?

In addition to attending several meetings each week, Jehovah’s Witnesses are required to spend many hours each month distributing Watchtower articles, conducting Watchtower “Bible studies,” and researching various topics in Watchtower literature for discussion during their meetings.

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