What does it mean to throw a sop?

What does it mean to throw a sop?

(sɒp ) Word forms: sops. countable noun [oft N to n] You describe something as a sop to a person when they are offered something small or unimportant in order to prevent them from getting angry or causing trouble.

What does the English expression a sop for Cerberos allude to?

A bribe. Taken from the ancient Greek and Roman custom of leaving gifts with corpses so that Cerberus (guardian of the gates of hell) would pass them by.

How do you spell Cerberus?

noun, plural Cer·ber·us·es, Cer·ber·i [sur-buh-rahy] for 2. Also Kerberos [kur-ber-uhs] . Classical Mythology.

What does SOP mean in the military?

standing operating procedure
Answer: In military parlance, “SOP” stands for standing operating procedure, to indicate a set of instructions that lends itself to a definite or standardized procedure without loss of effectiveness. It is assumed something is SOP unless otherwise ordered.

What does SOP you up with a biscuit mean?

If a gravy is exceptionally delicious, sopping it up with your biscuit is a way to get every last bit of it. In this case ‘hot’ means sexually appealing. The woman is saying that she finds the other person so appealing that she could ‘consume’ every bit of them.

What is the meaning of SOP in Assamese?

sop ⇄ noun 1. a piece of food dipped or soaked in milk, broth, or the like.

What does Cerberus mean?

: a 3-headed dog that in Greek mythology guards the entrance to Hades.

What is a Cerberus code?

Cerberus was a highly-classified U.S. military protocol and fail-safe device which, when activated via three different access codes being entered could be used to prevent any ICBM missiles from reaching their targets in case any of them were involuntarily launched.

Why is SOP important in the army?

Army SOPs are important because they standardize a specific task. That way Soldiers simply need to refer to the SOP to learn how to do something. As a Small Unit Leader you must ensure your unit has effective and up-to-date SOPs.

Where did the phrase risk it to get the biscuit come from?

Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang says it’s from Ireland in the 1980s [free registration required]. “Risked it for a Biscuit” is found as a Irish newspaper headline from 1966, but it’s not clear whether this was a reference to a commonly-used phrase or the headline-writer was being creative.

Where does the saying ” a sop to Cerberus ” come from?

Taken from the ancient Greek and Roman custom of leaving gifts with corpses so that Cerberus (guardian of the gates of hell) would pass them by. What is this money, a sop to Cerberus so that I won’t tell the authorities what you’ve done?

What is the meaning of the name Cerberus?

Cerberus. ( ˈsɜːbərəs) n. 1. (Classical Myth & Legend) Greek myth a dog, usually represented as having three heads, that guarded the entrance to Hades. 2. a sop to Cerberus a bribe or something given to propitiate a potential source of danger or problems. Cerberean adj.

What does it mean to bribe Cerberus in Greek mythology?

A bribe. Taken from the ancient Greek and Roman custom of leaving gifts with corpses so that Cerberus (guardian of the gates of hell) would pass them by. What is this money, a sop to Cerberus so that I won’t tell the authorities what you’ve done? Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Which is the best definition of the word sop?

Definition of sop (Entry 1 of 3) 1 chiefly dialectal : a piece of food dipped or steeped in a liquid 2 : a conciliatory or propitiatory bribe, gift, or gesture

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