How big is Chile compared to a state in the US?

How big is Chile compared to a state in the US?


STAT Chile
Comparative slightly smaller than twice the size of Montana
Land 748,800 sq km Ranked 38th.
Per capita 45.51 sq km per 1,000 people Ranked 45th. 51% more than United States
Total 756,102 sq km Ranked 39th.

Is California bigger than Chile?

Chile is about 1.9 times bigger than California. California is approximately 403,882 sq km, while Chile is approximately 756,102 sq km, making Chile 87% larger than California.

How big is Chile vs Florida?

Chile is about 5 times bigger than Florida. Florida is approximately 139,670 sq km, while Chile is approximately 756,102 sq km, making Chile 441% larger than Florida.

Does Chile have a population problem?

Chile’s percentage of growth from 2019 to 2020 is 0.87%, adding about 164,000 people to the population. With a low fertility rate of 1.65 million, net migration (about 111,000) contributed to the majority of Chile’s population growth.

What is Chile’s unemployment rate?

This statistic shows the unemployment rate in Chile from 1999 to 2020. In 2020, the unemployment rate in Chile was at approximately 11.51 percent….Chile: Unemployment rate from 1999 to 2020.

Characteristic Unemployment rate
2019 7.29%
2018 7.23%
2017 6.96%
2016 6.74%

Is Chile bigger than the UK?

Chile is about 3.1 times bigger than United Kingdom. United Kingdom is approximately 243,610 sq km, while Chile is approximately 756,102 sq km, making Chile 210% larger than United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the population of United Kingdom is ~65.8 million people (47.6 million fewer people live in Chile).

How big is Chile compared to Ireland?

Ireland is approximately 70,273 sq km, while Chile is approximately 756,102 sq km, making Chile 976% larger than Ireland. Meanwhile, the population of Ireland is ~5.2 million people (13.0 million more people live in Chile). We have positioned the outline of Ireland near the middle of Chile.

Why is Chile’s population decreasing?

Its rate of population growth has been decreasing since 1990, due to a declining birth rate. By 2050 the population is expected to reach approximately 20.2 million people. About 85% of the country’s population lives in urban areas, with 40% living in Greater Santiago.

Does Chile have a good economy?

Chile has been one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies in recent decades, enabling the country to significantly reduce poverty. However, more than 30% of the population is economically vulnerable and income inequality remains high.

Does Chile have a good education system?

Education in Chile is divided in preschool, primary school, secondary school, and technical or higher education (university). The levels of education in Chile are: Pre-school: For children up to 5 years old….Education in Chile.

Ministry of Education
Total 96.9%1
Enrollment (2014)
Total 4.75 million
Attainment (2013)

How many people go to school in Chile?

Most classes have about 40 students. Although, as in most Latin American countries, has only in recent years encouraged girls to gain as much education as boys, the country also has a tradition of providing education to women who wanted higher levels of education.

What kind of language do they speak in Chile?

Castellano, a Spanish dialect is the official language. English is taught in schools. A small minority in southern Chile speak German, Italian and Mapuche, an Indian language. What are the health conditions in Chile?

Which is better a younger population or older population?

Cities or countries with younger population have usually better development perspectives. Young societies are more dynamic and creative. Source: Wikipedia, 2021. Generally, a lower median age is considered better because a younger population is healthier.

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