What is Hugos hole Fallout 4?

What is Hugos hole Fallout 4?

The area known as Hugo’s Hole is a radioactive Location in the far Northeastern area of The Commonwealth. It is located to the East of the Dunwich Borers, and West of the Museum of Witchcraft.

What happened to Hugo fallout4?

Hugo was a member of the raider posse living in Dunwich Borers who, for unknown reasons, left the group and moved to a makeshift stronghold nearby. Upon making their way through the booby-trapped entrance, they find Hugo’s corpse on his bed, apparently having committed suicide.

What’s in Hugo’s Hole?

Hugo’s Hole is a small area that is comprised of large marble blocks forming a hallway and living quarters. The entranceway is heavily booby trapped and irradiated (up to 127 rads/s) with a machinegun turret at the end.

How do I get Dunwich borers key?

Just past the trap on the left is a lift that leads up to a locked door requiring a key held by the raider corpse on the other side of the door; the Sole Survivor will pass through the area on the far side of the door after exploring the rest of the facility.

Can I have a deathclaw companion in Fallout 4?

“You can have either a deathclaw, yao guai, gen1synth, gen2synth, cat, Mutant Hound, super mutant behemoth, raider dog, gorilla, radscorpion, or a vicious dog. They have full follower features excluding the relationship chat. They do not take up the follower slot so you can technically have two followers with this.”

What happens if you take the deathclaw egg back to its nest?

Putting the helmet on after completing the quest by returning the egg will immediately turn the deathclaw hostile. Berry Mentats will also trigger a hostile status. If one delivers the egg for the reduced reward having stolen it back from the nest a pristine deathclaw egg may remain in the player’s inventory.

How do I leave Dunwich borers?

You can go through the same road or turn right in the middle of the straight corridor in order to escape through a different exit. The door at the end is locked – you will find the key at the corpse on the left from them.

Can I swim Power Armor Fallout 4?

There’s no separate control for diving or surfacing. Note that you sink in Power Armor, and can’t swim. You can walk on the bottom, and don’t run out of air, though.

What is the best melee weapon in Fallout 4?

These are the top picks of mine as Melee weapons for Fallout 4:

  • Pickman’s Blade.
  • Furious Power Fist.
  • Kremvh’s Tooth.
  • General Chao’s Revenge.
  • Grognak’s Axe.
  • Deathclaw Gauntlet.
  • Super Sledge.
  • Zao’s Sword.

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