What are the 4 main types of developmental disorders?

What are the 4 main types of developmental disorders?

There are four main types of developmental disorders: nervous system disabilities, sensory related disabilities, metabolic disabilities and degenerative disorders. Many different subsets of disabilities nest under these four main groups.

What is mental retardation and its types?

The inclusion of concurrent related limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas was added to the definition of mental retardation in 1992 by the American Association on Mental Retardation.

What are types of developmental disabilities?

Some types of developmental disorders include:

  • ADHD.
  • Autism spectrum disorder.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Intellectual disability.
  • Learning disability.
  • Vision impairment.

What are the different types of developmental disorders?

What mental retardation means?

Mental retardation currently is defined by the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) as “significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning accompanied by significant limitations in adaptive functioning in a least two of the following skills areas: communication, self-care, social skills, self- …

Is ADHD a mental retardation?

Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition in children with mental retardation (MR), with a prevalence rate of between 4 and 15%.

What are the different types of mental retardation treatment?

Speech Therapy. Mental retardation can result in a delayed speech in children.

  • Occupational Therapy. Based on the recommendations of the specialists,a child can undergo occupational therapy.
  • Special Assistive Devices Training.
  • Physical Therapy.
  • Family Therapy.
  • What are the levels of mental retardation?

    The four levels of intellectual disability, sometimes referred to as mental retardation, are mild, moderate, severe and profound. Persons suffering from any level of intellectual disability have an intelligence quotient below 70.

    What are the characteristics of moderate mental retardation?

    The main characteristics of mental retardation include a lower-than-average intelligent quotient (IQ), difficulty with practical daily life skills, learning difficulties or disabilities, developmental delays, memory problems and lower attention spans.

    What are the main symptoms of mental retardation?

    Difficulty speaking.

  • Slow in learning important things,like dressing and eating.
  • Difficulties in controlling emotions,such as irritability.
  • Inability to understand the consequences of actions taken.
  • Bad reasoning and difficult problem-solving.
  • Poor memory.
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