What do you do with old medical school textbooks?

What do you do with old medical school textbooks?

12 Ways to Recycle Old Textbooks

  • Sell your books: This is probably the first thing you’re going to think of.
  • Donate your books: There will always be someone else who needs the book you once used.
  • Ship your books:
  • Recycle your books:
  • Trade your books:
  • Make a free book box:
  • Decorate with books:
  • Rent books:

Where is the best place to donate old textbooks?

Libraries: The first place to consider when donating your textbooks should be the local library. Libraries look a bit out of date in this day and age, but many people still use them, particularly in elderly or poverty-stricken communities.

What can I do with old nursing textbooks?

1. What to do with old nursing textbooks? You can sell your old nursing textbooks for a reasonable price on various platforms such as Bookdeal.com, Textbookrush.com, Amazon, etc. Other alternatives include donating your books to various non-profit organizations and recycling your nursing books.

Can old textbooks be donated?

Donate Textbooks In fact, there are several organizations that make it easy to donate old textbooks, and they serve a variety of different communities and groups. Donating gently used textbooks to your local library will enable them to add to their collection or resell them to help fund various programs.

How do I get rid of medical textbooks?

Medical and health sciences libraries with books and/or journals to discard may be interested in listing their materials with the Health Literature Exchange service run by the World Health Organization. To learn more about the AAO-HNSF humanitarian program, contact [email protected] or 1-703-535- 3738.

What do you do with old college textbooks?

Instead of just tossing them in the trash, do the environmentally friendly thing and use a recycling bin. While throwing all those costly books away might be painful, they’ve already served their purpose and are now just gathering dust.

How can I donate textbooks?

A local option is to donate your books to organizations like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and your community’s thrift store. These centers will take donations of almost any sort, but be sure to check their specific guidelines to donations.

How do I donate my nursing books?

Call your alma mater to find out if the nursing school at which you trained has its own pet charity devoted to distributing textbooks no longer being used. Call the publisher(s) if you come up empty as they may support their own charitable cause dedicated to recycling old nursing texts.

How do you recycle hardcover books?

While you can throw your hardcover books in the trash, we recommend that you donate your books. They can be dropped off at your local thrift or used book store for others to enjoy! You can also remove the cover and binding to recycle the inside pages of the hardcover book.

Can you recycle hardcover books?

Why can I recycle paperbacks but not hardcover books? Paperbacks are easy to recycle because they are made of 100% paper. Hardcover books cannot be put in your recycling bin unless you remove the binding and just recycle the pages.

Where can you donate unwanted books?

Donate unwanted books to a local charity. Either locally or in large chains, there are many charities that accept used books. Places such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill are good places to start. But be sure to check out churches, shelters, schools, senior citizen centers, and various other nonprofit groups.

Where should you donate your old books?

Libraries. Libraries usually accept donations and sell those books in a Friends of the Library fundraiser.

  • Local thrift stores. Goodwill accepts a lot more than clothes.
  • Prisons. Prisons desperately need used books.
  • Schools. Schools may also want your used books.
  • Where do I Donate my Old Books?

    A local option is to donate your books to organizations like Goodwill, Salvation Army, and your community’s thrift store. These centers will take donations of almost any sort, but be sure to check their specific guidelines to donations.

    Where can you donate set of encyclopedias?

    Donate the encyclopedia set to Goodwill or The Salvation Army. They take donations of all kinds, including books and even encyclopedia sets. Donations can be given directly at a nearby store, usually during specific hours and in the back of the store, or can be given by contacting your nearest Salvation Army or Goodwill and having them pick up the donation.

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