Where is the Citadel in Game of Thrones map?

Where is the Citadel in Game of Thrones map?

The Citadel is located in Oldtown, in the Reach.

What country is the Citadel in Game of Thrones?

Location. The Citadel is part of Oldtown, a city in the southwestern part of Westeros. Oldtown is the oldest city in Westeros, founded by the First Men some 12,000 years ago, and it’s the second-largest city after the capital, King’s Landing.

Is The Citadel in the Hightower?

Leyton Hightower, the Lord of Oldtown, includes Protector of the Citadel among his titles.

Is Oldtown bigger than Kings Landing?

Oldtown is almost as large and populous as King’s Landing, but is far cleaner, more beautiful and more efficiently run. King’s Landing was rapidly constructed within the first century of rule by the Targaryen dynasty.

What does a white raven from Citadel mean?

In the books, the sighting of a white raven means that Winter is coming or, at the very least, that the current season is coming to an end. It’s probably no coincidence that the white raven comes from the Citadel, where Samwell Tarly has just arrived to get his learning on and become a maester.

How big is Westeros?

The Daily Dot also puts Westeros’ north-south length at 3,420 miles and its east-west width at 1,410 miles. This is only about half the length of South America.

Is The Citadel in Old Town?

Oldtown is home to the Citadel and houses the Starry Sept, formerly the seat of the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven.

What is a Maester in Game of Thrones?

Function and duties. Maesters serve as advisors to lords in the realm. Almost every castle and noble family in Westeros, no matter how small, has a maester on hand to teach the lord’s children, give him counsel, and attend to medical and educational needs.

What is east of Essos?

Essos is the largest of the four known continents in the world. It lies east of Westeros and north of Sothoryos and Ulthos, stretching from the Shivering Sea in the north to the Summer Sea in the south, and from the narrow sea in the west to the lands surrounding the Jade Sea in the east, if not farther.

What is Essos in Game of Thrones?

Essos is an immense landmass located to the east of Westeros, extending into the far east of the known world. Westeros’s landmass is much longer from north to south, extending from the deserts of Dorne to the polar regions north of the Wall, but east-to-west travel is much shorter.

How did ravens turn black?

According to the mythological narration, Apollo sent a white raven, or crow in some versions to spy on his lover, Coronis. When the raven brought back the news that Coronis had been unfaithful to him, Apollo scorched the raven in his fury, turning the animal’s feathers black. That’s why all ravens are black today.

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