How do you get to bunker from Toad?

How do you get to bunker from Toad?

Gardner’s Lab. Once again, Toad’s fear of water means you’ll either have to carry him across, or shoot him out with your Poltergust. Head to the front left and find the big computer screen to zap Toad back to the bunker and complete the mission.

How do you cross the bridge in Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon?

To cross the downed bridge, pull on one side of the bridge to tighten it up, making a high wire for Luigi to cross. It can be very tricky, so watch the gusts of air and make sure you aren’t playing on the move to get across on one piece.

How do you get to the graveyard in Luigi’s Mansion?

After Luigi vacuums up Spooky in the Boneyard, he must scan Spooky’s kennel for it to make a small gust of wind dragging him into the Graveyard (similar to entering the Hidden Room from a mouse hole in the Butler’s Room).

How do I rescue the purple ghost toad?

Turn off the water with Luigi and have Gooigi travel through the pipes. Toad is hiding in the box. Burst move to release him, and vacuum him up to shoot him over the wall. With all the water gone, have Gooigi walk up to the cardboard box and use the Burst move to reveal Toad.

Where is the boo in a 3?

Boo – Boo Boo – Once you have the Darklight, instead of heading straight to the lobby, go into the Common Hall and into the Studio, where it will become apparent that a canvas is missing. Shine your darklight to bring it back into being, and with it a Boo.

What is Bogmire?

Bogmire is a shadowy Portrait Ghost that is found in Luigi’s Mansion and its 3DS remake. He appears as a purple ghost with a large mouth, yellow eyes, and thin, constantly outstretched arms. Bogmire lives under a tombstone in the mansion’s Graveyard, and acts as the boss of Area Two.

How do you cross the bridge in Luigi’s Mansion 2?

The only way to cross this bridge is to fix the rope on one end, walk on the rope very carefully, and fix the rope on the other end so the Toad can cross. The Airway is a room inside of the Secret Mine in Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.

How do you get to the rooftop pool in Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon?

The Rooftop Pool is a room inside the Haunted Towers in Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. The Rooftop Pool can be accessed only by inspecting the reclining chair inside the West Bathroom. This large room, as the name implies, has a pool in the middle with a diving board.

How do I leave B2 on Toad?

To leave the Boilerworks area grab Toad with your vacuum and shoot it at the ladder on the right side of the room. Climb the ladder and go up to the Observation room. Pass through the Observation room and make your way through Sewer’s A, B, and C, so you reach Drainage Control.

Where do you find toads in Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon?

In Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon for the Nintendo 3DS, Toads are Professor E. Gadd ‘s helpers by doing research inside of The Haunted Towers, Old Clockworks, Secret Mine, and Treacherous Mansion, but once the Dark Moon was shattered and all the ghosts went wild, E. Gadd could not get communication with them.

Where is the Dark Light door in Luigi’s mansion?

Cross the bridges and open the chest for another key. Head back into the Courtyard and enter the door on the left side of the area. Unlock the door and enter the Tower Lobby. Use the Dark-Light Device to reveal a hidden door on the back wall. Enter the Greenhouse and begin following the path to get to the other end.

Where does E Gadd bring you back to Luigi’s mansion?

Once it’s gone, E. Gadd will bring you back to the mansion. Having unlocked the gate in the first mission, head through the entrance gate and make your way over to the pinwheel gate.

How to defeat Gobber in Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon?

Place the bucket on the green switch on the machine and stand on green switch in front of the machine to activate the water supply. Just when you think the mission is over, a Gobber will appear. To defeat it, avoid the sludge it throws and keep sucking its 100HP up. Once it’s gone, E. Gadd will bring you back to the mansion.

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