What do slurs mean in violin?

What do slurs mean in violin?

A slur is a symbol in Western musical notation indicating that the notes it embraces are to be played without separation (that is, with legato articulation). A slur is denoted with a curved line generally placed over the notes if the stems point downward, and under them if the stems point upwards.

What are slurred notes?

A slur is a curved line that connects two or more notes of different pitches. A slur means the notes should be played as smoothly as possible, with no space in between. 1. A tie is a curved line that connects two notes of the same pitch.

Can string instruments slur?

– In String music, a slur often is used to indicate bowing, i.e. keep the bow moving in one direction, and then change the bow direction between slurs (unless otherwise indicated).

What is the difference between slur and legato?

Legato is a musical performance technique that produces fluid, continuous motion between notes. Legato notes are often slurred; that is, a group of notes is played together in one down-bow or up-bow. In the music, a slur looks like a curved line over the notes that are all in one bow.

What is a bow slur?

Easy, by completing a violin bow slur! Slurring means that you change notes with your left hand but your right hand (bow hand) doesn’t change direction.

How many notes are in a slur?

Slur is a western musical notation that conveys playing a sequence of two or more notes without taking any pause in between them. To be more specific, the notes should be played in legato. Legato means that each note has to be played smoothly and should be connected with another note.

Is Legato the same as slur?

How do you know if a tie is a slur?

Although they look similar, a tie is different from a slur. In a slur, there are notes of different pitch. In a tie, the notes are all of the same pitch. When you play notes that are tied, you play the first note and hold it for the value of all the notes that follow.

Is a phrase mark a slur?

A slur may be hard to distinguish from a “phrase mark,” which looks like a slur but may cover a longer passage and really just indicates that this is one phrase, like a phrase in spoken language.

When do you use slurring on the violin?

Slurring is often used in pieces or movements meant to sound peaceful, calm, and tranquil. Watch the violin lesson online video below for more detailed instruction on how to complete a violin bow slur.

Can You slur two notes in one bow stroke?

Slurring two notes in one bow stroke is easy if you work your way through this preliminary exercise below, on your A string. In this exercise, the first time you put two notes into one bow stroke, briefly stop the bow on the string between notes. Try these moves:

What’s the best way to slur a string?

Slurring from an open string to a finger and then back again. Play a few calm bow strokes on open A to establish the smooth sound. When the bow speed is even, try adding finger 1 during the course of the first “real” down-bow stroke of the exercise, landing finger 1 on the string as you pass the midpoint of the bow.

What’s the correct way to bow on a violin?

Use only half of your bow on the down-bow for the first A, and then stop your bow on the string. Land finger 1 on the A string while the bow is stopped (and you can stop the bow for as long as you need — just move very calmly at first). Continue your down-bow until you’ve bowed all the way to the tip.

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