How do you eat according to TCM?

How do you eat according to TCM?

Here are a few TCM dietary principles that will help you stay healthy:

  1. Eat at regular hours and never skip breakfast.
  2. Eat protein with every meal.
  3. Drink warm water or herbal tea before each meal.
  4. Avoid sweets and deep-fried foods altogether.
  5. Eat according to the seasons.
  6. Detox once a year.

What can I eat to get rid of dampness?

Foods to resolve dampness include;

  • Grains. Corn, barley, basmati rice. Vegetables.
  • Asparagus, celery, Chinese cabbage. Fruit. Blueberry, cranberry.
  • Button mushroom, olive mushroom, watercress. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts.
  • Seaweed, radish, water chestnut. Fruit.
  • Mustard leaf, onion, scallion. Herbs and spices.

What can you not eat with Chinese medicine?

One should avoid eating food that is difficult to digest or irritating when taking Chinese medicines; e.g. one should avoid eating radish, drinking strong tea and coffee when taking Chinese medicines possessing nourishing and supplementation function. One should avoid eating pepper, curry or chilli food, etc.

What is YEET hay in Chinese?

Yeet hay! In Cantonese, yeet hay translates literally to “hot air” but denotes something much more abstract: it’s what happens when you eat a category of foods that, if our Chinese elders are to be believed, results in pimples, canker sores, sore throats, itchy or red eyes when eaten in excess.

Is Chicken Heaty or cooling?

Duck is cooling, chicken is heaty. Green tea is cooling, black tea is heaty….2. Eat according to your needs.

Warming methods Cooling/neutral methods
Cooking with hot spices Blanching
Cooking with alcohol Steaming

Is butter a yin or yang?

Many kinds of meat belong to this category, such as game, beef, lamb, chicken and offal, as well as prawns and fatty fish. Butter, cream, fatty cheeses and most herbs and spices are also seen as warm or hot. Sugar, alcohol, chocolate, coffee and black tea are classed as yang.

How do I strengthen my spleen qi?

For example, to strengthen Spleen Qi, CM would suggest eliminating hard-to-digest foods (in particular raw or cold foods that can induce Dampness and Phlegm) while simultaneously eating more foods that tonify the Spleen.

Are eggs dampening?

Highly nutritious foods such as dairy products, meats, nuts, eggs, oils and fats are strongly capable of supplementing the body’s yin fluids and substance. However, in excess, they generate a superabundance of body fluids, which become pathologic dampness.

What is considered cold food in Chinese medicine?

Cooling foods and drinks include:

  • Sweet fruits like banana, watermelon and strawberries.
  • Raw foods (including uncooked vegetables)
  • Leafy vegetables such as lettuce and kale.
  • Cold drinks, iced water and peppermint tea.
  • Bitter herbs like mustard greens, chicory and dandelion leaves.

What are considered hot foods in Chinese medicine?

Thus, one of the keys in Chinese medicine is to keep our body “neutral.” Foods that are warm and hot bring heat to our bodies — e.g. beef, coffee, ginger, hot chilies and fried foods — while cold and cool foods cool down our bodies– think of salad, cheese, green tea, and beer.

What is YIT HEI?

The term “yeet hay” can refer to foods that are fried and greasy like chips, fries, burgers or hot and spicy like chilies and curry. In order to cure “yeet hay,” it’s believe that consuming foods rich in Yin energy to “cool” will cool your body down and bring it back to balance.

What does Shang Huo mean?

rising fire
Strange as it may sound, we’ve all experienced “rising fire” (上火, pinyin: shang huo) at one point or another. The term encompasses everything from a sore throat the morning after a spicy dinner, to the insidious tingle of a pimple sprouting on the corner of your mouth.

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