What is highway specification work?

What is highway specification work?

The Specification for Highway Works forms Volume 1 of the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW) and is complimented by Volume 2, which gives advice and guidance in the implementation of the specifications given in Volume 1, as well as examples of tables and appendices necessary for the contract.

What is class U1B material?

Unacceptable (U1B) – contaminated materials that. unless processed to meet the requirements of table 6/1. and App 6/1 shall not be used in the works, incl. contaminants at concentrations > than permitted in App. 6/14 & 6/15 – excluding hazardous waste or radioactive.

What is class 6H granular material?

8.2. 2 Compaction requirements

Type Class Typical use
Selected granular fill 6H For reinforced soil and anchored earth structures
6K Corrugated steel buried structures

What is the full form of MCHW?

Maternal and Child Health Worker. MCHW.

What is Subformation level?

The sub-grade layer of a pavement is, essentially, the underlying ground. It is also known as the “Formation Level”, which can be defined as the level at which excavation ceases and construction starts. This page aims to explain all.

What is 6I material?

6I – Selected well graded granular material (Fill to reinforced soil and anchored earth structures) 6J – Selected uniformly graded granular material (Fill to reinforced soil and anchored earth) 6K – Selected granular material (Lower bedding for corrugated steel buried structures)

What is 6N used for?

6N | MD Aggregates. Application: This aggregate consists of crushed concrete, brick and mortar. It’s created as a by-product from demolition projects and used as a backfill material for concrete structures such as bridge abutments.

What is the full form of Vhw?


Acronym Definition
VHW Village Health Worker
VHW Village of Hawthorn Woods (Hawthorn Woods, IL)
VHW Volunteer Health Worker (various organizations)
VHW Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzuchter (Hanoverian horse breed society in Germany)

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