Is Natasha Helfer LDS?

Is Natasha Helfer LDS?

Natasha Helfer is a licensed mental health and sex therapist who lives in Salt Lake City. Last week, she had her membership withdrawn from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after being charged with apostasy.

Who is Natasha Helfer Parker?

CERTIFIED SEX THERAPIST Natasha Helfer Parker runs an online and in-office practice where you can find life coaching and therapy solutions to a variety of issues you may be facing, regardless of geography and with a variety of providers who can offer different rates and times of availability.

What is the Mormon mental health Association?

The Mormon Mental Health Association (MMHA) is a secular professional association for mental health providers, educators, and researchers who offer ethical and culturally competent services and information to persons along the continuum of involvement in and commitment to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints …

What is the great apostasy Mormon?

The Great Apostasy is a concept within Christianity, identifiable at least from the time of the Reformation, to describe a perception that the early apostolic Church has fallen away from the original faith founded by Jesus and promulgated through his twelve Apostles.

Why is it called the Great Apostasy LDS?

Because the Church was no longer led by priesthood authority, error crept into Church teachings. Good people and much truth remained, but the gospel as established by Jesus Christ was lost. This period is called the Great Apostasy. This apostasy resulted in the formation of many churches with conflicting teachings.

How do I find an LDS counselor?

Seek a referral or recommendation from a trusted friend, family member, Church leader, medical doctor, or LDS Family Services (if there’s an office in your area). Contact a local or national mental health organization (by phone or online).

Who is Dan Wotherspoon?

Wotherspoon has a Ph. D. in religion from the Claremont Graduate School, where he wrote his dissertation on theological resources within Mormonism for affirming a robust environmental sensibility. Wotherspoon and his wife Lorri are about to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.

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