What is PRSI Class K?

What is PRSI Class K?

Class K applies to public office holders with an income of over €5,200 a year. Public office holders with weekly income of €100 or less are recorded under Class M. Class K also applies to people who pay PRSI on unearned income.

What does PRSI Class AL mean?

Class A Employee PRSI. Employees paid €376.01 to €424 inclusive in any week should be recorded under subclass AL. The PRSI Credit applies. In any week that an employee is paid more than €424, it should be recorded under subclass A1 or A4.

What does Class S PRSI entitle you to?

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What are the PRSI rates for 2020?

As set out in last year’s budget employers PRSI will go to 11.05% with effect from 2020. Thresholds for the higher rate of employer’s PRSI remain the same, €386 per week. The National Training Levy of 0.9% which is currently collected as part of the employer PRSI contribution will increase to 1% in 2020.

What is the PRSI rate in Ireland?

Employers’ PRSI Employers pay 8.8% Class A employer PRSI on weekly earnings up to €398. Employers pay 11.05% Class A employer PRSI on weekly earnings over €398. More information can be found about the amount of PRSI paid in each class.

How do I check my PRSI credits?

Here you can request a statement of the payments made to you, or a record of your PRSI contributions.

  1. Contribution Statement. Request a statement of your history and record of contributions paid. Find out more.
  2. Payment statement. Request a Statement of all Payments received.
  3. PRSI refund. Apply for a PRSI Refund.

What percentage is PRSI in Ireland?

Class A employee PRSI is calculated at 4% of gross weekly earnings. For gross earnings between €352.01 and €424 in a week, the 4% PRSI charge is reduced by the PRSI Credit. The amount of the PRSI Credit depends on an employees gross weekly earnings.

How is PRSI calculated in Ireland?


  1. Calculate one-sixth of your earnings over €352.01. €377- €352.01 = €24.99. Divided by 6 = €4.17.
  2. Subtract this from the maximum credit of €12, giving you a credit of €7.83.
  3. The basic PRSI charge is 4% of €377 = €15.08.
  4. You will pay €7.25 PRSI weekly (€15.08 minus your €7.83 PRSI credit).

What is the PRSI rate in Ireland 2021?

There are no changes to the rate of self-employed PRSI or in the minimum/flat rate self-employed PRSI payments. In line with the increase in National Minimum Wage the upper threshold for paying the 8.8% Class A rate of employer PRSI is increasing from €395 to €398 from 1 January 2021.

Do I qualify for PRSI?

To qualify, you must have: 260 PRSI contributions paid at any time and 39 paid or credited contributions in the relevant tax year or the year immediately before it. The relevant tax year is the second last completed tax year before reaching 66 years of age.

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