What is the mortality rate of stage 2 breast cancer?

What is the mortality rate of stage 2 breast cancer?

Survival Rates According to the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer is 93% for women who have completed treatment. Women with stage 3 cancer have a five-year survival rate of 72%.

How long can a woman live with Stage 2 breast cancer?

Stage 2. Around 90 out of 100 women (around 90%) will survive their cancer for 5 years or more after diagnosis.

Is breast cancer curable in the 2 stage?

Stage II breast cancers are curable with current multi-modality treatment consisting of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy. Effective treatment of stage II breast cancer requires both local and systemic therapy.

How long do Stage 2 cancer patients live?

Survival Rates by Disease Extent

SEER 5-Year Survival Classification
Stage at Diagnosis 5-Year Survival Rate
Localized (e.g., stage 2a) 59%
Regional (e.g., stage 2b) 31.7%
Distant 5.8%

Is Stage 2 breast cancer considered early?

Stage 2 breast cancer means that the cancer is either in the breast or in the nearby lymph nodes or both. It is an early stage breast cancer. The stage of a cancer tells you how big it is and how far it has spread. It helps your doctor decide which treatment you need.

Can Stage 2 breast cancer come back?

Recurrent breast cancer may occur months or years after your initial treatment. The cancer may come back in the same place as the original cancer (local recurrence), or it may spread to other areas of your body (distant recurrence).

Is Stage 2 breast cancer early?

Does Stage 2 breast cancer come back?

Can Stage 2 breast cancer Spread to Bones?

Breast cancer can spread to any bone, but most often spreads to the ribs, spine, pelvis, or the long bones in the arms and legs.

How big is stage 2 breast cancer?

Also known as invasive breast cancer, the tumor in this stage measures between 2 cm to 5 cm, or the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm on the same side as the breast cancer. Stage 2 breast cancer indicates a slightly more advanced form of the disease.

Can you feel if breast cancer has spread to lymph nodes?

The most common symptom if cancer has spread to the lymph nodes is that they feel hard or swollen. You might have any of the following symptoms if your cancer has spread to the lymph nodes: a lump or swelling under your armpit. swelling in your arm or hand (lymphoedema)

What is the life expectancy of someone with Stage 4 breast cancer?

Life Expectancy of Stage 4 Breast Cancer According to the American Cancer Society, 22% of the patients live five years after being diagnosed of stage 4 breast cancer.

How long can one live with Stage 2 breast cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, the five-year survival rate for stage 2 breast cancer is 93% for women who have completed treatment. By contrast, women with stage 3 cancer have a five-year survival rate of 72%. Treatments have improved greatly over that time, so you may hope for longer-term survival if you are newly diagnosed.

What is the prognosis for stage 0 breast cancer?

Stage zero (stage 0) breast cancer is also known as carcinoma in situ. According to the American Cancer Society, people with a type of breast cancer that has not spread beyond the breast tissue have a 5 year survival rate of 99%.

What is the treatment for Stage 2 breast cancer?

The stage 2 breast cancer chemotherapy can be done both prior and after mastectomy surgery. The Chemotherapy treatment involves the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to obliterate the cancer cells. This treatment works if the cancer cells have ER2 & PR2 protein receptors.

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