Why was Tenochtitlan such a great capital?

Why was Tenochtitlan such a great capital?

In less than 200 years, it evolved from a small settlement on an island in the western swamps of Lake Texcoco into the powerful political, economic, and religious center of the greatest empire of Precolumbian Mexico. Tenochtitlan was a city of great wealth, obtained through the spoils of tribute from conquered regions.

What happened to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan?

In May 1521, Cortés returned to Tenochtitlán, and after a three-month siege the city fell. This victory marked the fall of the Aztec empire. Cuauhtémoc, Cuitláhuac’s successor as emperor, was taken prisoner and later executed, and Cortés became the ruler of a vast Mexican empire.

How was Tenochtitlan important?

This was important because it gave city several advantages and allowed it to become on the the largest cities in the world at the time. The location for Tenochtitlan proved excellent as the waterways of the lake allowed the Aztec to easily travel and trade with other societies in the region.

What was unusual about the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan?

What was unusual about Tenochtitlan is that it was built in the middle of a lake in a swampy and generally inhospitable area. The Aztecs chose the site because they saw an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus, which they had been told by their sun god would be the sign for where to build their new home.

How did the Aztecs get to Tenochtitlán?

Early on in the history of the city the Aztecs built causeways and canals for transportation to and from the city. A causeway is a raised road that allowed the people to easily travel over the swampy and wet areas. There were three major causeways that led from the island city to the mainland.

How did Cortes describe Tenochtitlán?

Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of Cortés’ men, describes Tenochtitlán: When we saw all those cities and villages built on water; and the other great towns on dry land, and that straight and level causeway leading to Mexico, we were astounded.

Why was Tenochtitlan destroyed?

Lacking food and ravaged by smallpox disease earlier introduced by one of the Spaniards, the Aztecs, now led by Cuauhtemoc, finally collapsed after 93 days of resistance on the fateful day of 13th of August, 1521 CE. Tenochtitlan was sacked and its monuments destroyed.

How did Cortes describe Tenochtitlan?

Why was Tenochtitlan unique?

The small natural island was perpetually enlarged as an artificial island as Tenochtitlan grew to become the largest and most powerful city in Mesoamerica. Commercial routes were developed that brought goods from places as far as the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean and perhaps even the Inca Empire.

What is the relationship between Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan?

While the town known to the Aztecs as Teotihuacan was a much smaller place than the Early Classic city—and much smaller than the great Aztec capital Tenochtitlan/Mexico City—it was strategically important as a regional political capital.

What was the capital of Tenochtitlan?

Mexico City is built on top of the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlán. The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán (at modern Mexico City) was founded in 1325 on a muddy island in the lake that at that time filled the Basin of Mexico. A second group of Aztec settled the nearby island of Tlatelolco in 1358.

Where was the Tenochtitlan located?

Tenochtitlán, ancient capital of the Aztec empire . Located at the site of modern Mexico City, it was founded c. 1325 in the marshes of Lake Texcoco . It formed a confederacy with Texcoco and Tlacopán and was the Aztec capital by the late 15th century. Originally located on two small islands in Lake Texcoco,…

What is Tenochtitlan history?

Tenochtitlán was an Aztec city that flourished between A.D. 1325 and 1521. Built on an island on Lake Texcoco , it had a system of canals and causeways that supplied the hundreds of thousands of people who lived there. It was largely destroyed by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés after a siege in 1521,…

What is the capital of Tenochtitlan?

Tenochtitlán, located in the heart of what is now Mexico City, was the largest city and capital of the Aztec Empire. Today, Mexico City is still one of the largest cities in the world, despite its unusual setting. It sits on a swampy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco in the Basin of Mexico, a strange place for any capital, ancient or modern.

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