How do I evolve my Imperialdramon?

How do I evolve my Imperialdramon?

Digimon Story Lost Evolution Imperialdramon Fighter Mode digivolves from Imperialdramon Dragon Mode. In order to digivolve into Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, your Digimon must be at least level 52 with 230 attack, 210 defense, and 100% friendship. It can be hatched from the Kaiser DigiEgg.

How do you get Paladin mode in Imperialdramon?

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode can be obtained by raising any partner Digimon’s Imperialdramon Fighter Mode to lvl 40 and Omnimon to lvl. 40. Using DNA DV switch between Imperialdramon Dragon Mode and Seraphimon will summon Imperialdramon Paladin Mode to attack the enemy Digimon.

What kind of Digimon is Paildramon?

Paildramon is a Hand-To-Hand Nuetral type, Ultimate level Digimon. It DNA digivolves from ExVeemon and Stingmon and can digivolve into Imperialdramon Dragon Mode, Magnamon and UlforceVeedramon.

How do you Digivolve Aquilamon?

Aquilamon digivolves from Hawkmon and can digivolve into Silphymon. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Aquilamon, your Digimon must be at least level 19 with 50% friendship and 90 speed, but only once you have revived Aquilamon. It can be hatched from the Sky Striped Egg.

Can a Digimon degenerate into an Imperialdramon Paladin?

Imperialdramon Dragon Mode digivolves from Paildramon and can digivolve into Imperialdramon Fighter Mode or Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. In order to digivolve or degenerate into Imperialdramon Dragon Mode, your Digimon must be at least level 41 with 160 attack, 140 speed, and 100% friendship.

Where to find Digivolves in Digimon Dragon Mode?

Imperialdramon Fighter Mode digivolves from Paildramon at LV 60 with 90% friendship, but only if you’ve befriended Imperialdramon Dragon Mode. It can be found at Task Canyon in Dawn, after completing Union Quest “The Challenge From Gaia Origin!”.

Where do you get an Imperialdramon in Dragon Mode?

Imperialdramon’s attacks are Mega Death, Eternal Zeal and Splendor Blade. Imperialdramon’s card can be obtained by fusing the Omegamon I and Paildramon cards at the Fusion Shop. Can be obtained by getting a Paildramon above level 50 and this unlocks the ability to evolve into Imperialdramon.

Is there such a thing as an ancient dragon Digimon?

An ultimate Ancient Dragon Digimon that existed in ancient times. There is a clear distinction between it and other Digimon in terms of existence or ability. Also, Imperialdramon is called the Dragon Mode, but there seems to exist a ” Fighter Mode ” that is able to liberate all of its power.

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