What can you do with vanilla bean pods?

What can you do with vanilla bean pods?

10 Uses for Vanilla Pods

  1. Vanilla “Ice Cream”
  2. Make Infused Maple Syrup.
  3. Make a Flavoured Powdered Sugar.
  4. Make Vanilla Extract.
  5. Make Infused Salt.
  6. Make Vanilla Flavoured Coffee.
  7. Make a Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub.
  8. Make vanilla body powder.

How do you make vanilla infused pods?

Pour vodka in a glass lidded bottle (original vodka bottle works); add vanilla bean and the peel from one lime (optional). Close and let infuse 1-2 weeks* in a cool dark place. Gently shake every other day. *Depending on your preference, the vodka will be ready in as little as 7-10 days.

Can you grind vanilla pods?

Luckily, there is a way and it is very simple one. You dry vanilla beans (pods) and grind them in your coffee grinder (spice grinder). Some people have even used food processor for it.

Can you use the whole vanilla pod?

You can either throw the whole vanilla bean, once it is cut, into the recipe or you can just use the scraped seeds and save the pod for another use later. The most efficient way to get the flavor from the vanilla is to add it to something warm, which helps to disperse the seeds and the oils.

How many times can vanilla beans be used to make vanilla extract?

Ingredients and timing for vanilla extract I recommend using 2 vanilla beans here, but honestly, you could certainly use more. It takes about 6-8 weeks for your extract to develop a dark color and really good flavor. As it ages, the flavor will only improve.

Is vanilla pod edible?

The vanilla pod, or vanilla bean, known visually as a long shriveled black bean, is the fruit product of the vanilla orchid. The seeds found inside of the dried pod are used for edible vanilla flavoring and in extracts, as are the pods themselves when ground into a powder.

How do you dry a vanilla pod?

Bake vanilla beans in a 150 degree F oven on a parchment lined baking sheet for about an hour to an hour and a half. You want them to get nice and dried out but not burnt. They will still be pliable when you take them out of the oven, but will become brittle as they cool.

How do you turn vanilla extract into powder?


  1. First you need to dry out the vanilla pods.
  2. Once the pods have cooled , simply pop into a spice grinder or use a hand mixer / blender to grind them down into a fine powder.
  3. The vanilla powder can then be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark area (like a cupboard).

How do you split a vanilla bean pod?

Take the vanilla bean “pod” and lay it flat on a cutting surface. Use a sharp knife (we recommend a paring knife) and slice the vanilla bean down the middle, lengthwise, creating two long halves. Next, take the BACK side of the knife and run it down the length of each split “pod” to collect “the seeds.”

What does Heilala Vanilla do for the world?

Heilala Vanilla’s mission is to build a better future for Tonga & the World. Heilala Vanilla’s humanitarian mission is to empower the people of Tonga with a rich local industry and thriving future. Providing employment across a number of communities, positively impacting the Tongan economy. Heilala Vanilla makes people feel as the product tastes!

Where is the best place to grow vanilla?

Clean, green, and luscious, Tonga has fertile soil and ideal climatic conditions for growing vanilla. Our pure and untouched part of the world is proud to produce award winning pure vanilla products. As New Zealanders, we are have a strong connection to the land and preserving nature for generations to come.

Which is the purest vanilla in the world?

Hand-pollinated, hand-picked and cured by the women of Tonga, Heilala isn’t just the purest vanilla in the world; It’s a virtuous circle of nature, nurture and quality that sees the goodness you put into your baking also return to the very communities that help to bring this incredible product to your kitchen.

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