Where is the possum drop in NC?

Where is the possum drop in NC?

Brasstown Drop In Brasstown, North Carolina, an annual event at Clay’s Corner convenience store was organized by proprietors Clay and Judy Logan. At midnight on New Year’s Eve, instead of dropping an inanimate object, a plexiglass pyramid containing a live opossum was lowered from the roof of the store.

Are there possums in North Carolina?

The opossum is the only native North Carolina mar- supial and has other traits and adaptations not found in other animals. The Virginia opossum has been present in North Carolina since the Pleistocene period, and it probably evolved from Didel- phis marsupialis, which is still present in Mexico and Central America.

Is there a possum day?

Our second animal of the month is the opossum, and October 18th is their special day. This animal is unique for many reasons. For one, it is the only marsupial (carries babies in a pouch) in North America.

Can you relocate possums in NC?

In a wildlife profile of the Virginia opossum, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission states it can feed on poisonous snakes because possums are immune to venom. Opossums may be relocated and released alive on another property with permission of the property owner.

Where is the Possum Drop New Year’s?

Ever since the early 1990s, residents of Andrews, N.C. have lowered a live possum on New Year’s Eve as the “redneck response” to the Times Square ball drop in New York City.

Is the possum drop real?

But a North Carolina community’s interesting version of the ball drop featured a living, breathing opossum. The people of Clay County, North Carolina, had been lowering a live opossum instead of a regular ball since 1990. But now, the Possum Drop is officially over.

What do possums eat in North Carolina?

The night-roaming opossum eats carrion and deals with threats by displaying its 50 sharp teeth or slipping into fear-induced catatonia (“playing ‘possum”).

Are possums protected in NC?

In North Carolina, legal protections for opossums go out the window for five days a year. Between the dates of Dec. 29 and Jan. 2 of each year, you can legally do anything to an opossum.

Can you legally own a possum in NC?

North Carolina is one of only four states in the country that has no state-wide laws on private ownership of exotic animals. Instead, individual counties are left to regulate lions, pythons, or whatever exotic animal someone may want to own.

Which US state Until recently celebrated New Years Day with a possum drop using a live possum?

North Carolina
But a North Carolina community’s interesting version of the ball drop featured a living, breathing opossum. The people of Clay County, North Carolina, had been lowering a live opossum instead of a regular ball since 1990. But now, the Possum Drop is officially over.

When did the Possum Drop end in North Carolina?

The people of Clay County, North Carolina, had been lowering a live opossum instead of a regular ball since 1990. But now, the Possum Drop is officially over.

Where was the live opossum at the ball drop?

Every year, thousands flock to cities around the world for grand New Year’s Eve celebrations. But a North Carolina community’s interesting version of the ball drop featured a living, breathing opossum. The people of Clay County, North Carolina, had been lowering a live opossum instead of a regular ball since 1990.

Is the Possum Drop a thing of the past?

The “Possum Drop” is a thing of the past. Every year, thousands flock to cities around the world for grand New Year’s Eve celebrations. But a North Carolina community’s interesting version of the ball drop featured a living, breathing opossum.

Who was the lawyer for the Possum Drop?

“It took years of lawsuits by PETA and appeals to state officials by concerned citizens, but ‘Possum Drop’ organizers may finally be leaving opossums in peace and ringing in the new decade in a compassionate way,” PETA lawyer Martina Bernstein said in a statement to CNN.

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