Where do I spend Timewarped badges horde?

Where do I spend Timewarped badges horde?

If you’re playing Horde, you’ll see Kiatke hovering around a palm tree that decorates the Earthshrine portals. Essentially, you can find Kiatke as soon as you portal into Stormwind City or Orgrimmar. Kiatke will accept the Timewarped Badges you receive during Timewalking dungeons for many different items.

Where is the time warp vendor in Orgrimmar?

Kiatke is a bronze dragon who acts as a Cataclysm timewalking vendor found near the Western Earthshrine and Eastern Earthshrine in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City for the Cataclysm version of the event.

Where do I spend time warp badges?

Earned in Timewalking dungeons. Exchanged for goods from Timewalking Vendors in capital cities.

Where is the timewalker vendor?

Timewalking Vendors

Vendor Location Timewalking Event
Cupri Terrace of Light, Shattrath City The Burning Crusade
Auzin Runeweaver Square, Dalaran Wrath of the Lich King
Kiatke Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar Cataclysm
Eastern Earthshrine, Stormwind Cataclysm

Where are Timewalking vendors?

Where is WOD Timewalking vendor horde?

western Warspear
Kronnus is a bronze dragon in Mag’har orc form who serves as the Warlords of Draenor Timewalking vendor for Horde players. He can be found in western Warspear during the Warlords version of the event. His Alliance equivalent is Tempra.

How do you grind a Timewarped badge?

Fastest way to grind 5000 Timewarped Badges

  1. Que up through the Dungeon Finder System.
  2. Each boss drops 5 badges and there are 3-5 bosses per dungeon.
  3. Last boss gives you 10 Badges.
  4. As a tank or healer, the que time is most likely less than a minute.
  5. A dungeon takes around 30 min to complete.

Where are the time walking vendors?

Each Timewalking holiday has a different type of vendor up:

  • Burning Crusade: Cupri in Shattrath.
  • Wrath: Auzin in Dalaran.
  • Cataclysm: Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
  • Mists of Pandaria: Mistweaver Xia in Townlong Steppes.
  • Warlords of Draenor: Tempra in Stormshield and Kronnus in Warspear.

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