How do you use exaggeration in a sentence?

How do you use exaggeration in a sentence?

Exaggeration sentence example

  1. He is notorious for his wilful exaggeration , both in narrative and numerical statements.
  2. But there was exaggeration in all he attempted.
  3. Surely that was an exaggeration – infidelity had to be worse.

What does exaggerate mean example?

To exaggerate is defined as to stretch the truth or to make something seem bigger than it is. An example of exaggerate is when you catch a two pound fish and say you caught a ten pound fish. verb.

What word is used to exaggerate?

In this page you can discover 106 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for exaggerate, like: hyperbolize, embellish, embroider, overstate, blow up, misrepresent, heighten, lay it on with a trowel, brag, intensify and misreport.

How do you use exaggeration?

Exaggeration is any statement that creates a worse, or better, image or situation than it really is. It’s used to highlight points and add emphasis to a feeling, an idea, an action, or a feature. Using exaggeration in your writing lets you describe something in a heightened way to make it more remarkable.

What are some examples of exaggeration?

An example of exaggeration would be: “I was walking along when suddenly this enormous dog walked along. It was as big as an elephant”. The dog may have been big, but it was certainly not as big as that. Another example of exaggeration would be: “I caught a fish as big as my house.”

Why Do I exaggerate?

They may exaggerate or enhance their stories for many different reasons. It may be an expression of a desire or a goal, jealousy, or because they want others to like them.

Why do people exaggerate?

The Cambridge Dictionary defines exaggeration as “the fact of making something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is.” But if we use our common sense, I think we can agree that we typically exaggerate stories/facts to make our conversations more entertaining and to draw people’s attention.

What are 5 examples of exaggeration?

Everyday Examples of Exaggeration

  • This bicycle is a thousand years old.
  • He snores louder than a cargo train.
  • My dog only has cat friends.
  • He is drowning in his tears.
  • His brain is the size of a pea.

What is exaggeration in satire?

Exaggeration. To enlarge, increase, or represent something beyond. normal bounds so that it becomes ridiculous and its faults can be seen. Caricature is the exaggeration of a physical feature or trait.

How do you explain exaggerate to a child?

definition 1: to present as larger, more important, or more valuable. She exaggerated the size of the snake she found.

What type of person exaggerates?

Embroiderer, exaggerator, dramatist, fabricator, embellisher, and hyperbolist. Some dictionaries might not list the last two, but some do, such as Collins.

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