What are some little known unsolved mysteries?

What are some little known unsolved mysteries?

Here are ten such chilling, unsolved mysteries that will make you wonder if the boogeyman was indeed real. 1. Catherine Hoggle, diagnosed with a schizoaffective disorder, took off with her two kids, three-year-old Sarah and two-year-old Jacob Hoggle. Her children disappeared one by one over a 12-hour period. Neither child has been seen since.

What is the biggest unsolved mystery of all time?

Top 5 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries of the world The Earth’s underground mystery No one knows what’s under the earth’s underground, We just know what’s on the surface and a little deeper. The unexplored Caves This is a popular mystery, that Today 95% of the caves have not been discovered. Yes, it is true. How the Moon was formed We know the Moon from an early age, We have heard stories about it.

What are some unsolved mysteries of the world?

Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries of the World Red Rain. In 2001, from July to September, heavy rain fall sporadically in Southern Indian State, Kerala. Spontaneous Combustion. On 15th September 1982, Jeannie Saffin eventually wrapped into flames while sitting on a chair. Harold Disappearance. Lady Dais. Dancing Plague. Sailing Stones. Shroud of Turin. Taos Hum. Placebo Effect. Grooved Spheres.

What are unexplained mysteries of World?

10 Unexplained Mysteries From Around The World 1. The Dwarf Village 2. Sleepy Hollow 3. Rain of Fish 4. Indestructible Girl 5. Codex Gigas 6. Voynich Manuscript 7.Jack the Ripper 8. Antikythera Mechanism 9. Money Pit 10. Hoia Baciu

What is the creepiest unsolved mystery?

15 Creepiest Unsolved Mysteries Beaumont Children Disappearance. In January 1966 in Australia, three children went missing. These missing children were… Death of Max Spiers. The mysterious death of a British ufologist Max Spiers is an odd one. Max Spiers was beginning to… The Watcher House. In

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