What is the other name of viviparous?

What is the other name of viviparous?

In this page you can discover 3 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for viviparous, like: oviparous, ovoviviparous and live-bearing.

How do you say this word metamorphosis?

noun, plural met·a·mor·pho·ses [met-uh-mawr-fuh-seez].

What are viviparous and oviparous animals?

This means oviparous animals lay eggs. These eggs develop and hatch into young individuals. In contrast, viviparous animals are born as live young individuals. Therefore, they do not lay eggs. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, most fish, insects, mollusks, arachnids, and monotremes are oviparous animals.

Which is viviparous animal?

Viviparous animals give birth to living young that have been nourished in close contact with their mothers’ bodies. Humans, dogs, and cats are viviparous animals. Viviparous animals differ from egg-laying animals, such as birds and most reptiles.

What are the examples of animals which are viviparous?

Humans. Humans,like most mammals,are viviparous animals.

  • Higher Sharks. Sharks are an example of an animal that is viviparous and exhibits very little to no parental care.
  • Amphibians. Much like the sharks,the amphibians have several derived groups that form placenta-like structures during their viviparous reproduction cycles.
  • What kind of animals are oviparous or viviparous?

    1) Ants. The ant is an insect that belongs to the list of cold-blooded oviparous animals. 2) Bees. After fertilization, the female stores the sperm and thus controls how many eggs she will fertilize. 3) Crocodiles. This large reptile deposits clusters of eggs after digging a hole in the sand, and can also build nests using vegetation. 4) Sparrows. 5) White storks.

    What group of mammals are not viviparous?

    Viviparous mammals: almost all mammalian mammals are viviparous. Oviparous mammals are restricted to the group called monotremes and include the platypus and the echidna . These animals birth their young in eggs, but they do also feed them milk. Viviparous mammals, however, are not restricted to the land.

    What are the advantages of oviparous animals?

    After releasing the egg, oviparous animals are able to continue with daily chores including feeding and locomotion. There is no space constraint hence litter size is not affected. The third advantage is that net reproduction is high since there is no delay in bringing forth young ones before the next group of offspring is brought forth.

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