Which are server-side controls?

Which are server-side controls?

Server-side controls are often called server controls or Web Forms controls. There are four types of Server controls: HTML server controls. Web server controls, validation control, and user controls. HTML developers must be familiar with old HTML controls, which they use to write GUI applications in HTML.

What are server-side objects?

The Server object is used to access properties and methods on the server.

Is server-side comment tags can be seen in the Web browser?

When this page is accessed via a browser, you will see that the server-side comments were not included by the ASP.NET engine when the HTML markup was generated. You can view this by right clicking on the web page within the browser window and selecting “View Source”.

How do you comment on ASPX?

Select the lines you want to be commented in your ASPX, HTML, web config file etc and click on the Comment/ Uncomment icon in Toolbar. Alternatively you can use Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K Ctrl+C to comment and use Ctrl+K Ctrl+U to uncomment.

What is .NET server-side?

ASP.NET is an open-source, server-side web-application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, applications and services.

What are the advantages of server-side controls?

The main advantages of server controls are:

  • Their ”static” Html is visible to the search engines,
  • They require less “job” on the client side so they are efficiently rendered also by low performance browsers (such as the browsers of low quality mobile devices).

What is meant by server-side?

Server-side refers to operations that are performed by the server in a client–server relationship in computer networking. Typically, a server is a computer program, such as a web server, that runs on a remote server, reachable from a user’s local computer or workstation.

What is the best server-side language?

5 top programming languages to learn server-side web development

  1. Node. js (JavaScript)
  2. PHP. PHP is by far the most used server-side scripting language.
  3. Java. Java is another popular language that many major websites use.
  4. Ruby. Ruby is mostly popular for small applications as it is suitable for rapid web development.
  5. Python.

Which of the following is used for server side comment?

( – –>) it is a Comment which is support by HTML. It main purpose to prevent a browser from running or displaying the code/content in the application.

How do I verify HTML5?

To confirm if a webpage is HTML5 or 4.01, check the doctype at the very top of the webpage in source code view. Responsive (HTML5): Current code: Open one of your webpages in your browser (IE, Chrome, Edge, Safari), narrow the browser to around 320 pixels wide.

How do you markup a comment?

Use a forward slash ( / ) followed by an asterisk ( * ) and then a colon ( : ) for the opening comment. Use an asterisk followed by a forward slash for the closing comment. The lines in between the opening and closing comments can contain text, text and markup, or nothing. There is no limit to the number of lines.

How are server side comments handled in ASP.NET?

ASP.NET supports a little known feature called “server-side comments” that you can use to completely disable code/controls/html in a page. Server-side comments in ASP.NET are delimited using a <%– –%> syntax. For example: Commented out HTML/CODE/Markup. this block will not be parsed/handled by ASP.NET.

Why do I need server side comments in razor?

Summary. Server-side comments are a small, but useful, feature that can come in handy in a variety of circumstances. Razor now enables server-side comments at runtime, and Visual Studio provides nice tooling support for them at development time.

How to comment out code in ASP.NET?

You have some existing html/controls/markup/in-line code that is being used on the page, and you want to temporarily comment it out while you fix the problem. ASP.NET supports a little known feature called “server-side comments” that you can use to completely disable code/controls/html in a page.

How does commenting work in a CSS file?

Commenting works for CSS defined within blocks within the page (it wraps a server-side comment around the regions selected within it), but not for external CSS files (with those you need to add the comment manually). Commenting does also work in Javascript files and code.

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