Who is Beelzemon?

Who is Beelzemon?

Beelzemon, also known as Beelzebumon in Japanese, is a major antagonist in Digimon Tamers, but later turned to the good side to help the Tamers. He is also a minor antagonist in the video game Digimon World Data Squad, in which he is not redeemed.

Is Beelzemon a demon lord?

A Demon Lord Digimon that, while possessing the power to preside over the many Devil Digimon, continues to live and act independently.

Is Beelzemon a mega?

Beelzemon is a Dark Virus type, Mega level Digimon.

How did Impmon become Beelzemon?

Role. Impmon was digivolved to Beelzemon by Caturamon in exchange for his mission to kill the tamers and their Digimon. He became the official rider of the evil motorcycle Behemoth, in control unlike its other riders.

Does Takato see Guilmon again?

Digimon Fusion Takato appears alongside Guilmon on the Old Clock Shop Man’s boat. A Great Hunter Gathering! The Digimon Contest of the Southern Island! Takato shows up again during the final battle with Quartzmon, and marvels about how cool it is to be standing next to Tai and Davis on the battlefield.

What animal is Calumon?

Calumon is an Animal Digimon. It is a small Digimon shrouded in mystery that is unable to digivolve or attack, unlike other Digimon. As it is friendly and loves to play, it will appear from somewhere whenever there is fun to be had. It has a habit of adding “Calu” to the end of its sentences.

What does Calumon evolve into?

Digimon Park Calumon can digivolve to Salamon.

Who is Beelzemon and what does it represent?

Beelzemon is an Evil Digimon. It is one of the “Seven Great Demon Lords”, representing Venus and the sin of Gluttony. While it possesses the power to preside over the many Devil Digimon, it dares to observe a solitary existence.

Where did the name Beelzemon Digimon come from?

Beelzemon is a Demon Lord Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Beelzebub. It is referred to as Beelzebumon L in materials where both it and its 2010 redesign appear.

Where did the name Beelzemon come from in the Lord of the flies?

Beelzemon’s name is derived from Beelzebub, the Hebrew word for “lord of the flies” and a word which is often synonymous with the devil. The red scarf tied around his arm is residual from the neckerchief he wore as Impmon.

Where did Beelzemon get his Mega form from?

Beelzemon first appears when Impmon accepts Caturamon ‘s offer. With this new power, Impmon is able to warp digivolve into his Mega form, and Beelzemon was born. He is also granted control over a motorcycle that had previous controlled Guilmon.

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