How does SPECT work physics?

How does SPECT work physics?

SPECT takes conventional two-dimensional nuclear medicine images acquired at different views around the patient and provides an estimate of the three-dimensional radioactivity distribution using methods of image reconstruction from multiple projections.

What is the principle of SPECT?

SPECT is a nuclear imaging scan that integrates computed tomography (CT) and a radioactive tracer. The tracer is what allows doctors to see how blood flows to tissues and organs. Before the SPECT scan, a tracer is injected into your bloodstream.

What is the difference between Ct and SPECT?

A CT scan is taken with an x-ray scanner rotating around the body region being studied. A SPECT scan is taken with a gamma scanner rotating around the body region being studied, which takes much longer than the CT scan.

How many detectors are in a SPECT instrument?

The preferred system configuration is to have two detectors separated by 90° as they rotate around the heart. The use of two detectors increases system sensitivity and thereby reduces scan time and/or patient radiation exposure.

How is a SPECT scan performed?

Undergoing the SPECT scan During your scan, you lie on a table while the SPECT machine rotates around you. The SPECT machine takes pictures of your internal organs and other structures. The pictures are sent to a computer that uses the information to create 3-D images of your body.

How much radiation is in a SPECT scan?

The dose will vary between patient size as well as the compound used for imaging. Assuming one is using a Technetium-99m base agent, the 1-day rest/stress test would be approximately 9 – 10 mSv. The dose will be higher if a combination of agents are used.

How is a Spect scan performed?

Who invented Spect scan?

John Keyes
John Keyes developed the first general purpose single photo emission computed tomography (SPECT) camera.

What does the P in SPECT stand for?

d) P – orbital. Explanation: SPECT stands for Single Emission Photon Tomography. In this process, the radioactive dyes give out photons which are detected by the detector and forms an image.

Who invented SPECT scan?

What is injected for a Spect scan?

SPECT scans use a radioactive material called a tracer. The tracer is injected intravenously and mixes with your blood. As your blood moves through your body, it’s “taken up” or absorbed by your living heart muscle.

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