How do you explain depth of knowledge?

How do you explain depth of knowledge?

Depth of knowledge (DOK) refers to the level of understanding required to answer a question or perform an activity. This concept is most often applied to the thinking that students do during assessment and other standards-driven evaluation.

What are the four levels of depth of knowledge?

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK)

  • Level 1 (Acquired knowledge) involves recall and reproduction. Remembering facts or defining a procedure.
  • Level 2 (Knowledge Application) are skills and concepts.
  • Level 3 (Analysis) involves strategic thinking.
  • Level 4 (Augmentation) is extended thinking.

What exactly is depth of knowledge Francis?

Essentially, depth of knowledge designates how deeply students must know, understand, and be aware of what they are learning in order to attain and explain answers, outcomes, results, and solutions.

What is depth of knowledge 3?

Depth of Knowledge –Level 3 Students provide support for reasoning, apply complex and abstract thinking, and make decisions.

How do you teach depth of knowledge?

Let the students do the thinking, and ensure that they have the time to do it. One way to create more opportunities for students to think is to first articulate their ideas in writing prior to sharing in a class discussion. Ask a question, give students a few minutes to jot down their thoughts, and then share.

How do you use in-depth knowledge?

Example sentences in-depth knowledge

  1. Analysts with in-depth knowledge of any security will work to incorporate all possible good and bad news into the price long before the fact.
  2. Out in all weathers, he combines schoolboy enthusiasm with true insight and in-depth knowledge.

What are Level 4 Questions?

Level Four questions or tasks go well beyond the text. These tasks require an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem. If it’s a level four task, you take information from at least one passage and are asked to apply this information to a new task.

Why is Webb’s depth of knowledge important?

Depth of Knowledge or DOK is important for instructors and assessment creators to consider in order to fully understand student expectations in a given assessment. By breaking down and distinguishing between the level of thought, or DoK required for each question, educators can further pinpoint student comprehension.

Which is the best summary of Webb’s depth of knowledge?

Which statement below is the best summary of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge? Webb’s DOK defines the complexity of knowledge to delineate project-based learning. Its purpose is to ensure that work is cognitively demanding enough to match the standards. Which student activity is an example of remembering?

What is depth of knowledge level 2?

Level 2 (Skills and Concepts) requires the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling. The content knowledge or process involved is more complex than in Level 1. Items require students to make some decisions as to how to approach the question or problem.

What is depth in teaching?

Is it better to expose students to many concepts (breadth) or to foster a deeper exploration into fewer topics (depth)? This curricular movement emphasizes depth of learning such that students reach certain competency levels as established by their teachers.

Who is the creator of depth of knowledge?

Norman L. Webb of Wisconsin Center for Education Research is the creator of Depth of Knowledge or dok. In 1997, Webb came up with a framework for identifying the level of rigour of a student during the assessment. The general methods generally measure the level of understanding by the students.

What can the depth of knowledge framework be used for?

The depth of knowledge framework can be used for subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and also Fine Arts. Depth of knowledge activities are the tasks that can be set by the teachers for the students to perform based on the depth of knowledge levels for assessment of cognitive rigour.

What do you need to know about Webb’s depth of knowledge?

What is Webb’s Depth of knowledge? Webb’s depth of knowledge or Webb’s dok is a method that helps the teachers in recognition of a student’s understanding. It provides them with a framework of reference along with the needed vocabulary to analyze how a student thinks or analyses content.

Is the Dok wheel a representation of depth of knowledge?

The dok wheel is considered to the graphical representation of the depth of knowledge. It is a circle divided into four equal parts. All the four parts consist of several tools that the students are required to use to demonstrate their depth of knowledge on a certain subject.

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