Can I go outside after radioactive iodine treatment?

Can I go outside after radioactive iodine treatment?

You will be advised to maintain a distance of three feet from others for several days following radioiodine therapy. You also will need to wait several days before traveling on a prolonged automobile trip with other people. Over time, the amount of radiation in your body will diminish and eventually will go away.

How do I clean my house after radioactive iodine treatment?

The First Four Days:

  1. If possible, use a separate bathroom.
  2. Flush the toilet two times after each use.
  3. Men should sit down when urinating.
  4. If urine should be spilled/splashed, wash and rinse the affected area three times, using paper towels or tissue.
  5. Be sure to carefully wash your hands after using the bathroom.

How long should my husband sleep alone after radioiodine treatment?

The I-131 leaves your body through your urine primarily. Small amounts of I-131 may also leave through your saliva, sweat and feces. The amount of radioiodine remaining in your thyroid tissue is responsible for the desired medical effect. Radioiodine disappears by itself over a period of time.

How long does it take to feel better after radioactive iodine?

In most cases, improvement may be noted by 4-8 weeks after administration of the radioactive iodine, but in more severe cases, it can take longer. Depending on the type of hyperthyroidism present, and other mitigating factors, the time to “feeling normal” can vary considerably, from 1-12 months.

Do you lose hair with radioactive iodine?

Radioactive iodine does not produce hair loss. Nevertheless, hair loss can be associated with changing levels of thyroid hormone, and may be experienced by some patients with hypo or hyperthyroidism.

How does radioactive iodine affect the thyroid gland?

When radioactive iodine (RAI), also known as I-131, is taken into the body in liquid or capsule form, it concentrates in thyroid cells. The radiation can destroy the thyroid gland and any other thyroid cells (including cancer cells) that take up iodine, with little effect on the rest of your body.

How to get rid of radioactive iodine faster?

Young people get rid of radioactive iodine faster than older adults. Drink plenty of fluids during this time to help your body get rid of the radioactivity. Your doctor will give you written instructions.

Do you need to be hospitalized for radioactive iodine?

You don’t need to be hospitalized unless the dose is very high, which is rarely needed. You will be prompted to drink lots of water after taking the pill to flush the remaining radioactive iodine out of your system. Most patients need only one dose before their hyperthyroidism is resolved, which may take a few weeks to several months.

When to stop breast feeding after radioactive iodine therapy?

Pregnancy should be delayed at least six to 12 months after RAI treatment for thyroid cancer. Breast feeding should be stopped at least six weeks before RAI and should not be resumed. In the days immediately following your RAI therapy, be aware of these general precautions to prevent radioactive exposure to others.

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