Why has my fridge suddenly stopped working?

Why has my fridge suddenly stopped working?

Typical causes are: 1) the door is left open frequently, 2) the condenser coils need cleaning, 3) the door doesn’t seal against the refrigerator box, 4) the cold control is set too cold, or 5) something is blocking the flow of cold air inside the fridge.

Why would a refrigerator stop cooling?

Problem: Fridge Not Cooling Be sure the fridge is plugged in and getting power. Vacuum the coils under or behind the fridge. Clogged coils can cause poor cooling. Check to make sure nothing is stuck in the condenser fan and that it spins freely (models with coils on the back won’t have a fan).

What are some tips on refrigerator repair?

Clean the Coils. Although you may not be able to see the coils,keeping them free of dust,debris,and pet hair really does help the refrigerator operate more

  • Maintain the Temperature. Check the temperature often in both the refrigerator and freezer sections of your unit.
  • Check the Gasket.
  • Change Filters.
  • Close the Door.
  • Stay Level.
  • Cover Food.
  • Fill It.
  • How do you troubleshoot a refrigerator that is not cooling?

    Look at the Fan. Another common problem when a refrigerator is not cooling is the fan. The fan is what directs the cooled air to the various parts of the refrigerator. Usually, extremely cold air is deposited into the freezer compartment; as the fridge section needs more cooling, the air is directed to that compartment via a simple fan.

    Should you repair or replace a refrigerator?

    If the refrigerator is less than eight years old, consider repair. If the refrigerator is more than 15 years old, consider replacement. If the fridge is between eight and 15 years old, you must take other factors into consideration, such as the type of refrigerator and its environmental efficiency.

    Why is my Refrigerator not working?

    However, even without an external interruption, vital parts of the fridge can simply stop working for seemingly no reason at all. Oftentimes, the evaporator fan will malfunction and prevent the fridge from cooling. Other times, a non-functioning start relay or even a faulty thermostat can be the cause of a refrigerator not cooling.

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