What is the famous line in Othello?

What is the famous line in Othello?

Let heaven and men and devils, let them all, All, all, cry shame against me, yet I’ll speak. I kissed thee ere I killed thee: no way but this, Killing myself, to die upon a kiss.

What is the point of Act 2 Scene 2 in Othello?

In this very short scene, a messenger appears to announce that Othello has declared mass feasting and revelry in celebration of the victory against the Turks, and also in honor of his marriage to Desdemona.

What is the most important act in Othello?

Othello wants Cassio dead, Iago agrees to do it, and then Othello wonders how to kill Desdemona. This scene, often called the “temptation scene,” is the most important scene in the entire play and one of the most well-known scenes in all drama.

What two events are celebrated in Act 2 Othello?

Act Two deals with celebrations of winning the war against Turkey and Othello’s wedding. These celebrations lead to Cassio fighting and his demotion by Othello. Once Cassio is demoted, why does Iago continue plotting against Othello?

Is tupping your white ewe?

When Iago tells Brabanzio that “an old black ram / Is tupping your white ewe,” he demeans a passionate and loving relationship between two intelligent adults by characterizing Othello as a mindless rutting animal who has soiled the pure Desdemona with his lust.

What famous line does Othello say before he dies?

‘Soft you, a word or two before you go’: so begins Othello’s last major speech before he stabs himself. His last words, famously, are ‘I kiss’d thee ere I kill’d thee’. But between these two lines are a number of other noteworthy moments which call out for closer textual analysis.

What happens in Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello?

Summary: Act II, scene iii. Othello leaves Cassio on guard during the revels, reminding him to practice self-restraint during the celebration. Othello and Desdemona leave to consummate their marriage. Then, despite Cassio’s protestations, Iago persuades Cassio to take a drink and to invite some revelers to join them.

Who did Cassio say stabbed him?

ii. 356 – 357 ). Finally, he recalls a time in which he defended Venice by smiting an enemy Turk, and then stabs himself in a reenactment of his earlier act, thereby casting himself as both insider and outsider, enemy of the state and defender of the state.

Who is Othello’s wife?

Desdemona, fictional character, the wife of Othello and the object of his unwarranted jealousy, in William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello (written 1603–04). The daughter of a Venetian senator, Desdemona is greatly loved by Othello, an honoured and heroic Moorish general in the service of Venice.

What is the city celebrating at the end of Scene II?

Summary: Act II, scene ii A herald announces that Othello plans revelry for the evening in celebration of Cyprus’s safety from the Turks, and also in celebration of his marriage to Desdemona.

Who won the war in Othello?

The Holy League won a decisive victory, destroying most of the Ottoman fleet and ending their three-decade naval dominance. Shakespeare’s choice to set Othello during the Battle of Lepanto is significant.

What quotes to learn for Othello?

These Othello quotes will outline jealousy and other emotions, allowing you to understand them on a grander scale. Don’t forget to also read these jealousy quotes on how to deal with envy. 1. “O, beware, my lord, or jealousy; It is the greed ey’d monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”

What is a soliloquy in Othello?

Soliloquy is an important part of the dialogue of Shakespeare’s Othello, like that of most other great tragedies of his. In Othello the soliloquy serves many functions like revelation of secrets, development of character and plot, foreshadowing and dramatization, and the addition of the poetic element at climactic points in the play.

What is the summary of Othello?

“Othello” is a play, better said a tragedy, in which the main theme it Othello’s jealousy and revenge and the main motives are racism, love, jealousy, betrayal and fraud in the main conflict between Othello and Cassio. The plot is settled in Cyprus between 1489 and 1570. The objective narrator is in the third person.

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