Is gaiomon a greymon?

Is gaiomon a greymon?

A Dragon Man Digimon that increases its own strength as it wins battles, and is a subspecies of the Greymon-species, which are highly capable as Combat Species Digimon.

Who is Gaiomon?

Gaiomon is a Fire Virus Type, Mega level Digimon and uses 18 memory. It digivolves from MetalGreymon, MetalGreymon (Blue), and RizeGreymon. Its special attack is Will-O’-Wisp Slash and its support skill is Back Water Camp, which increases damage given by 20%, but also increases damage received by 20%.

Which hybrid Digimon carries the Ryugonken sword?

灼熱の炎鎧よりほどばしる、龍魂の神炎! Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Dragon Warrior Digimon crowned with the title of Emperor. It wields the ‘Ryūgonken’, in which the souls of dragons are sealed.

What does Gaomon Digivolve into?

Gaomon digivolves from Wanyamon and Koromon and can digivolve to Gaogamon, Garurumon, Leomon, GeoGreymon, and Ogremon.

Is EmperorGreymon a mega?

EmperorGreymon is an EX-Spirit Digimon in the D-Tector Card Game, and a Mega Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory.

Who is samudramon in Digimon Xros Wars?

Samudramon is a member of the Bagra Army. He serves as one of Musyamon ‘s henchmen in Digimon Xros Wars. He was destroyed by Shoutmon X5. Fire Cutter Blade. Gaia Reactor.

What kind of Pokemon is a samudramon?

Samudramon is a Fighting / Cyber dual type Pokemon. It evolves from MasterTyrannomon during the day, while holding a (n) Mist Stone. This Pokémon cannot be found holding an item.

When to use Digivolution on samudramon Digimon World?

Samudramon’s Digivolution becomes available after beating it during the main story. When used on an Ultimate partner, instantly Digivolves to Samudramon. Mows down enemy with Kikurin sword.

What kind of Swords does a samudramon have?

Samudramon’s Kikurin swords have blades curved inward near the hilt and outward near the top, and have brown hilts with another small, claw-like edge on its bottom. The Kikurin swords can be combined into a bow, while the Digimon Pendulum X depicts Samudramon bearing two large, three-clawed gauntlets in its hands in place of the Kikurin swords.

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