What are theory based methods?

What are theory based methods?

Theory based evaluation is an approach to evaluation (i.e., a conceptual analytical model) and not a specific method or technique. It is a way of structuring and undertaking analysis in an evaluation. A theory of change explains how an intervention is expected to produce its results.

What is a theory based assessment?

A theory-based evaluation is usually based on an explicit theory of change or logic model that explains the theory of a development intervention. A theory-based evaluation normally attempts to assess change at each stage of the theory to test the linkages (assumptions) between different levels of change.

What are the evaluation theories?

Evaluation is a relatively new field that has emerged from a diverse array of applied social sciences. This explanation of evaluation theory consists of five main components: practice, use, knowledge, valuing, and social programming. Many practitioners design evaluations around methodology.

What are the 6 criteria for evaluating a theory?

The six criteria include comprehensiveness, precision and testability, parsimony, empirical validity, and both heuristic and applied value.

What is theory-driven framework?

The framework emphasizes four phases of intervention development, feasibility and piloting, evaluation, and implementation which take place as an iterative rather than a linear process. For this, a prospective, theory-driven process of intervention design and evaluation is required.

Why are theory-based approaches to evaluation important?

During that time, theory-based approaches have demonstrated promise in helping evaluators address a variety of challenges, such as coming to terms with the inherent complexity of certain types of interventions and overcoming the limitations of experimental evaluation designs.

What is Stage 1 of the theory based approach?

To sum up, they identify: Stage 1: The evaluator, through dialogue with programme implementers, attempts to understand the nature of the programme/ target population/ contexts in which it will operate as well as the theories about why smoking cessation services work in some circumstances.

How are realistic evaluations related to generative mechanisms?

Realistic evaluations home in on generative mechanisms (the powers which influence behaviour) or key causal factors in specific contexts (Better Evaluation, 2018). They also assume that generative mechanisms can only work if the circumstances are right.

Why are realist evaluations more useful than other evaluations?

A realist evaluation yields information that indicates how the intervention works (i.e., generative mechanism) and the conditions that are needed for a particular mechanism to work (i.e., specification of contexts) and, thus, it is likely to be more useful to policymakers than other types of evaluation. (Better Evaluation, 2018).

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